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The benefits of chasing dreams

Personal dreams and desires have power: they motivate people in their daily lives. Lacking them or not pursuing them brings them down. Carry one happy life without any regrets It is possible by having clear objectives, a fundamental tool available to everyone that gives meaning to existence. This is what the Spanish lecturer and comedian refers to. José Luis Izquierdo when in a cycle talk We Learn Together 2030, BBVA’s platform with inspiring content, talks about the importance of not wanting to do anything.

“I think it is very important to have a list of dreams and things that you want to do, that you really want, that catch your attention, that make you get up in the morning. That’s what life is about: having small illusions and most illusions are continuing to have illusions,” says Izquierdo, better known as Mago More.

Izquierdo considers that Having clear goals is a pillar to live happily, beyond the fact that things do not go as expected: “Many years ago I performed in a pub whose owner had an obsession with going to Australia: it was the great dream of his life. And then he did it. “He sold the place to his waiter and left,” says the comedian. Six months later, “when I returned to the venue to perform, I found that this person had returned and was now his waiter’s employee, that is, he was working for whoever worked for him,” Izquierdo elaborates. Surprised by his presence, he says that he asked him what had happened with his early return, and says that his response was concise: “‘I haven’t adapted to the language, in the end everything was more expensive than it seemed and well, here I am.’ ”

Faced with Izquierdo’s question about whether he was happy ending his dream of living in Oceania, this man’s confession left him perplexed: “I’m happy. “I would never have forgiven myself for not having tried.” According to the comedian, no one regrets pursuing their desires; on the contrary, a person will be unhappy for the rest of their life if they don’t take the chance. “I think we also demonize error a lot and we don’t allow things to go wrong,” says Izquierdo.

For his part, the comedian shares two specific events that he has had to live through, that not only “deeply marked him” But at that time they took away a certain amount of meaning and motivation from his life. In this regard, he explains that to get back on track, he clung to all those illusions he had.

The first episode that upset him was birth of your child with cerebral palsy: “This affects you a lot because it greatly affects your daily life and the way you deal with everyday life,” he reflects. The second event was having been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. News that hit him like a bucket of cold water because “he was only 39 years old and until now he thought it was a disease of older people,” confesses Izquierdo. Without expecting it, he found himself facing two situations that would change the course of his destiny. Suddenly, “I see myself with a disabled child and I practically couldn’t walk because of the pain he had,” recalls the speaker.

“I think it is very important to have a list of dreams and things you want to do,” José Luís Izquierdo, comedian and speaker Shutterstock

But although it is hard to believe, when he overcame and adjusted to these two situations, “I felt empty,” he reflects and says that to go through this difficult moment he He focused on reading: “I read a book called ‘The Five Things People Regret Before They Die’ that changed my perspective. It was about an Australian nurse named Bronnie Ware. There she says that due to twists of fate she ended up caring for nurses in a terminal state of cancer and other illnesses. On their deathbed they told him everything they regretted.” Izquierdo counts.

In this regard, the speaker mentions that the culture, country and society in which people live does not matter: “Everyone regrets the same thing: not having done what they really wanted. That is to say, people regretted not having tried to achieve their goals or dreams.” And it was at that moment when Wizard More realized that he could not lose sight of all those illusions that he had.

To achieve this, a list of dreams was made: “They are like small obligations or things that make me want to do,” explains Izquierdo and points out that “I am fulfilling them little by little.” Two years ago, for example “I ran the New York marathon, an unthinkable thing because I went from not being able to walk to running,” he concludes proudly.

You can enjoy the complete talk that the comedian shared on “We Learn Together 2030,” the BBVA platform with useful and inspiring content to improve the lives of millions of people around the world that, since May 2022, has been broadcast exclusively by THE NATION.

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