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The Benefits and Risks of Midday Naps: How Long Should You Nap to Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease?

The midday nap is an ancient custom that is practiced all over the world. Some cultures accept such a habit more easily and even encourage it. Others see it as a luxury, available only to those who can afford to sleep 1 hour or more during the day.

According to experts, midday naps can have many benefits – but also repercussions, he writes Live Science.

According to Steven Bender, an orofacial specialist in the US, a short nap during the day can be a healthy habit if certain rules are followed.

How long should a nap be to reduce the risk of heart disease

According to Bender, a midday nap lasting 20 to 30 minutes can help mental function and memory. In addition, it can improve attention and reaction time. It can increase productivity and creativity, which is why some companies have even introduced special sleep rooms in the office.

The afternoon nap doesn’t have to be very long, though. A short period of sleep helps to process the information received throughout the day. Thus, it can also improve problem-solving skills.

According to a recent study, people who slept little during the day were less frustrated and impulsive. As a result, they could concentrate better at work.

Midday naps may also help reduce stress. According to another study, a quick 20-minute nap improved participants’ mood. But a sleep duration of more than 30 minutes had adverse effects.

Also learn sleep tricks that work.

Naps need to be short to be effective and healthy, according to experts. It has also been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. If a person is awake more than is healthy, then elements associated with anxiety and stress accumulate in the body. Studies have shown that a healthy sleep schedule can decrease these elements in the body.

Naps longer than 30 minutes can have adverse effects

Some people claim that it is difficult to fall asleep in such a short time. But sleeping more than 30 minutes is associated with a condition called sleep inertia. This is the disorientation you sometimes feel when you wake up after a long sleep.

Most of the time, the longer the nap, the greater the inertia. This can affect cognitive functions for several minutes to half an hour after waking up.

In addition, the midday nap must be short, according to experts, because otherwise it can have a negative effect on sleep during the night. You may have difficulty falling asleep or wake up several times during the night. Lack of sleep can have many negative effects on your health.

Also find out how many hours you need to sleep after you reach middle age.

In addition, for people who are over 60 years old, midday naps longer than 30 minutes may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

2023-09-17 07:56:15
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