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The benefits and harms of porridge, semolina porridge, buckwheat porridge, barley

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news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1920px">You knowingly refused to eat some cereals even in childhood

From each iron they say that in the morning you have to eat porridge. But are they so useful and what catch can you find in the same porridge? Especially for you, we have sorted out popular cereals for harm and benefit. It turned out that some of them are simply dangerous. What – say dieticians Irina Toropygina and Galina Bartashevich.

Semolina porridge – just stay away

A suitable option for people with a sick stomach and intestines and absolutely not useful – for everyone else. In semolina porridge there is not enough fiber, because of which it does not load the digestive tract, but on the remaining points it is a complete failure. Semolina is made from the most refined soft wheat varieties (sometimes hard, but it is a red book rarity), also finely ground. First of all, it is a rich source of starch, a clean and fast carbohydrate.

– Since it refers to fast carbohydrates, it quickly increases the level of glucose in the blood, which causes the release of a large amount of insulin. With frequent consumption, it can lead to weight gain and the formation of insulin resistance, says Irina Toropygina. – Such porridge is not shown even to children. Mainly due to its phytates (substances that reduce the availability of nutrients in the diet). They bind calcium and remove it from the body. Babies may have problems with bone formation.

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No use - it's about decoy

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">No use – it’s about decoy

Nevertheless, they continue to recommend semolina for children from a young age. But today, when there is diversity, it is rather an emergency.

“Due to the fact that it’s easy to gain weight on semolina, it is mainly fed to children who eat poorly and, accordingly, gain weight poorly,” says Galina Bartashevich. “But you have to understand that everything will not work quickly from semolina to muscle.” In addition to nutrition, muscles must also be trained. Only then does weight gain. Plus, because of the taste in semolina (cooked with milk), I constantly want to add a spoonful of honey or jam. It turns out a food bomb.

There are relatively few vitamins in semolina porridge, and it reduces the absorption of vitamin D, so it is better not to abuse it. By the way, couscous is the same semolina, only boneless in flour. And nothing significant, except for a higher content of gluten, does not differ from semolina. But there is one point.

Couscous – Against Fatigue and Insomnia

When choosing couscous, make sure it is made from durum wheat. Only in this case can we talk about any benefit. Such a product is rich in vitamin B5, which positively affects vitality, fights chronic fatigue and depression, treats insomnia and improves skin and hair regeneration.

– Another important component of couscous is selenium. One serving of this cereal contains 60% of the recommended dose of selenium. It is a powerful antioxidant, it reduces inflammation and the risk of cardiovascular disease, boosts immunity and normalizes cholesterol levels, ”explains Irina Toropygina.

Durum wheat couscous contains many important trace elements that contribute to the normal functioning of the digestive tract. These are phosphorus, potassium, iron, copper and dietary fiber. Such croup stimulates the activity of the brain, stabilizes water-salt metabolism, strengthens the heart muscle. It is a good source of vegetable protein and a prebiotic, promotes the growth of beneficial microflora.

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If couscous - only from durum wheat

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">If couscous – only from durum wheat

Due to the high nutritional value and caloric content, couscous porridge is recommended for athletes, the elderly, children and those who follow the figure. At 70% carbohydrate content, couscous will give you a feeling of fullness for a long time. But due to the same calorie content, it is practically contraindicated for overweight people – it can only be used as part of a diet or recommended proper nutrition. It is advisable to exclude couscous from the diet for diabetics, so as not to provoke the disease. It contains gluten, therefore it is contraindicated for people with gluten intolerance.

Oatmeal – do not get involved

– Oatmeal, of course, tasty and healthy, has an excellent enveloping effect. But daily eating oatmeal in the morning leads to obstruction of calcium absorption. Because it contains all the same phytates. Oatmeal is not recommended for those with gluten intolerance, it is also full in oats, ”says Galina Bartashevich.

But for patients of a gastroenterologist, oatmeal is a real salvation.

– Oats are useful in many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It positively affects the mucous membrane of the stomach, saves from bloating and pain caused by gastritis or an ulcer, ”explains Irina Toropygina. – Also oatmeal is indicated for atherosclerosis, anemia, joint diseases. Naturally, whole grain has more beneficial properties. Processed cereal is of little use, especially in instant cereals, without a shell. There are less vitamins and trace elements.

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If oatmeal, then only whole

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">If oatmeal, then only whole

Due to its high carbohydrate content, oatmeal will be especially useful if you play sports or physically hard work. Such physical activity is just useful to spend the carbohydrates received. It will be nice to combine porridge with protein – yogurt, cottage cheese or cheese. If you work in the office and do not move so much, choose cereals with a lower calorie content. Well, remember that oatmeal is not the same as oatmeal, and, among other things, increase blood glucose levels.

Buckwheat porridge is the secret of your youth

“This porridge is a good source of proteins, carbohydrates, contains B vitamins, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium and even bioflavonide rutin, which improves the structure of capillaries, increases their elasticity, prevents brittleness and thrombosis, is a geroprotector,” says Irina Toropygina . – In addition, routine removes fluid from the body, which is why buckwheat diet is recommended for models and athletes.

In addition, buckwheat has a lot of lysine, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen (the quality and elasticity of the skin depend on this). Buckwheat lowers bad cholesterol, normalizes metabolism, and is useful for anemia, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes. Magnesium in buckwheat is useful for blood vessels and the cardiovascular system, it is indicated for people with heart rhythm disturbances.

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Not everyone can afford buckwheat because of health

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">Not everyone can afford buckwheat because of health

However, people who are prone to constipation and gas, with kidney failure, increased blood clotting and stomach ulcers should use buckwheat with caution.

Specialists recommend that supporters of popular mono-diets be more careful about their bodies, when for several days you should have the same product in your diet. (In the case of buckwheat mono-diet, you have to eat porridge for four days in a row in a pan.) Such an unloading mono-meal can be arranged once a week, or better, once a month. Otherwise, you risk not only gaining weight even faster, but also earning health problems. Mono-diet slows down the reaction, leading to headaches and chronic fatigue. You don’t need to lean on it – add variety.

Rice porridge – takes care of your nerves

Rice is more rich than other cereals in vitamins of group B. And this is a guarantee of fresh skin, stable metabolism and a healthy nervous system. But it is worth remembering that all the benefits are contained in the grain shell. So you should stop your choice on unpolished rice, for example, basmati and wild borax. Their nutritionists recommend for weight loss, in addition, porridge from brown rice regulates sleep, tidies hair and nails, and activates brain activity.

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The less processing, the more useful the rice.

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">The less processing, the more useful the rice.

The most high-calorie red rice removes cholesterol, improves skin condition and heart function, and black – strengthens the immune system, improves vision, and is useful for anemia. But white rice is contraindicated for diabetics and sclerotics. Moreover, its use can provoke the formation of kidney stones.

Millet porridge – interferes with the absorption of iodine

By the concentration of essential amino acids, millet porridge is second only to oatmeal and buckwheat. It does not contain gluten and is a geroprotector. These are substances that not only increase resistance to stress and reduce the rate of development of various age-related diseases, but also slow down aging and generally increase life expectancy.

Due to its microelement composition, millet is good for skin, hair and bones. It alleviates the condition with arthritis and arthrosis, sprains and sprains. Vitamins of group B as part of such a porridge improve blood composition, improve brain function, regulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism, and magnesium and potassium positively affect the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Millet also improves intestinal motility, relieves constipation and burns body fat.

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Millet collected the least of minuses

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">Millet collected the least of minuses

Despite all the advantages, a fly in the ointment is in the cup of millet. For example, experts of Roskachestvo advise to refrain from it in diseases of the thyroid gland: porridge interferes with the absorption of iodine. In addition, it is recommended for diabetics to cook it only in water, and if you have an increased acidity of the stomach, ulcer or gastritis, it is better not to touch millet again.

Barley porridge – against obesity

This porridge contains a fairly large amount of lysine. As we have already found out, this amino acid helps the body produce collagen, which ensures healthy, smooth and firm skin.

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Do not look for fiber in pearl barley

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">Do not look for fiber in pearl barley

In addition, pearl barley is very nutritious, able to maintain the body in good shape with great physical exertion, helps metabolism and stimulates brain activity. Also thanks to pearl barley you can prevent obesity and help to remove toxins from a loved one. But you should not look for fiber in pearl barley, because these are peeled and most often polished barley grains.

– The disadvantages of pearl barley can be felt by people with celiac disease (digestion due to gluten), intolerance to gluten, – adds Galina Bartashevich. – For barley and barley porridge barley is used, and this is one of the main sources of gluten. Sensitivity to it can lead to headache, nausea, upset stomach, fatigue and other complaints. With such symptoms, you should consult a doctor. If intolerance is confirmed (or you already know about it), go to buckwheat, rice, corn, soy, quinoa – they do not have gluten.

Barley porridge – reduces the risk of atherosclerosis

Unlike pearl barley, barley porridge is not polished. These are simply crushed barley kernels freed from flower films. Grains contain a shell, respectively, in the final product there are more vitamins, fiber and trace elements.

– In it you will find vitamins of group E, B, PP, phosphorus, zinc, chromium, fluorine, silicon, – Irina Toropygina decomposes cereals on useful substances. – It reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

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Barley porridge - the same pearl barley, only better

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">Barley porridge – the same pearl barley, only better

In addition, barley porridge is an excellent dietary product that will help maintain a slim figure. This porridge perfectly copes with cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, it is useful for the liver, helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body and fight cholesterol plaques.

Bulgur – will recover after injuries and operations

Another famous cereal that has retained its shell is bulgur. Not peeling, it maintains a high fiber content (in one portion contains 30% of its daily intake), which helps with weight loss and body cleansing. Fiber brings a feeling of satiety, removes stagnant substances, toxins and pathogenic bacteria from the body. Due to the high content of dietary fiber with this cereal, it is easy to control weight.

In addition, bulgur has a high calcium content. There is more of it than in the same buckwheat, however, due to processing, a significant part of it is lost (during the production process, wheat grains are steamed and dried). However, people with lactose intolerance who cannot get calcium from dairy products may be content with this substance from cereals.

Bulgur contains a rare, but very important vitamin K. It promotes the formation of proteins, on which the ability of blood to clot depends. This is an effective prevention of bleeding and help in the regeneration of organs. Vitamin K is useful for everyone who is recovering from injuries, has undergone surgery, or is just preparing for it.

Bulgur is a good source of proteins, iron, B vitamins, as well as manganese and magnesium. They help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, control blood sugar levels. Another important element of bulgur is folic acid. It stimulates the immune system, promotes blood formation processes and is especially useful for women. For example, during pregnancy, it helps to avoid the risk of miscarriage and helps maintain healthy DNA strands.

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Bulgur - the main source of vitamin K

news-article__figure-text" style="max-width:1500px">Bulgur – the main source of vitamin K

As for contraindications, there are only two of them: an allergy to cereals and gluten intolerance. You can add high calorie content to this list, but this is more a formality.

Let yourself diversity

If you find porridge ideally suited for you on this list, remember the main advice of nutritionists: do not lean on the same product. Even the most healthy porridge in the world does not need to be eaten every day. First of all, it depends on the fact that each porridge has its own composition of vitamins and minerals. Elementary, diversifying your diet, you will receive more nutrients.

It is advisable to eat cereals in the morning in order to have time to shake the calories, and give preference to whole grains, but not instant cereals, in which there is more harm than in any semolina.

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