Home » Business » The Benefits and Challenges of Private Health Insurance: A Guide for Patients

The Benefits and Challenges of Private Health Insurance: A Guide for Patients

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Unlike statutory health insurance, private health insurance is an individual contract that the insured concludes with the insurance company.

(Foto: imago images/Cavan Images)

Munich, Frankfurt The financial situation of statutory health insurance (GKV) is currently dramatic. The federal government keeps arguing about how the deficits can be compensated. There will also be another federal subsidy, which in turn will be fed by tax revenue, but patients with statutory health insurance may have to pay more again in 2024.

Since the health insurance contribution of the GKV is linked to the amount of income, this makes private health insurance (PKV) interesting for patients with a good income. Last but not least, treatment by the head physician, single rooms in the hospital and individual services are attractive here.

But even in private health insurance, the contributions can increase rapidly, especially in old age. At the same time, it is difficult to return to statutory health insurance: “The decision to have private health insurance is basically a lifelong one,” warns the Association of Insured Persons (BdV).

The following overview shows who can still benefit from switching to private health insurance and why the premiums can also increase there:

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2023-09-04 11:58:34
#PKV #worth #switching #private #health #insurance

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