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The Beneficial Medicinal Properties of Noni Juice for Maintaining Basic Health

Noni’s medicinal properties in maintaining and maintaining basic health. are as follows

1. Noni juice helps nourish the body. Adjust and maintain a balanced body condition. which is rich in vitamins Mineral salts and amino acids When we were sick with COVID-19, we blended Noni juice and mixed it with honey to drink to help nourish the body.

2. Noni juice builds immunity and prevents infection. Including helping to relieve allergy symptoms as well. And helps prevent the occurrence of certain types of cancer.

3. Noni juice reduces stomach acid and promotes digestion. Better absorption of food

4. Noni juice helps reduce high blood pressure. Helps blood flow better, suitable for people who have problems with heart disease and blood vessels. From the properties of Noni that have a warming effect.

5. Raw fruit, pounded and eaten, helps reduce nausea, vomiting, or motion sickness and relieves aches and pains and inflammation. The spicy taste of Noni fruit helps relieve fever.

2023-09-14 13:05:53

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