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the Belledonne clinic will (again) change hands

“No particular fear”

“The information is true. Elsan is in discussion and exclusive negotiation with Eurazeo Patrimoine (which held the shares in C2S) with a view to acquiring the C2S group ”, confirms Christel Peres-Bruzaud, Managing Director of the Martinérois establishment. This “market opportunity”, which presented itself at the end of the last quarter of 2020, does not unduly worry the approximately 600 employees of the clinic. Who, all, via different bodies, were aware of the progress of the negotiations. “The information and consultation processes took place with the staff, as well as with the doctors, and I did not have any particular fear feedback,” she said.

And on the future strategy of the establishment which, as we know, is working on new projects (especially extension)? “These projects will be presented to Elsan. Finding yourself in the support of a large group is only for the benefit of the establishment. This is a real contribution – in the area of ​​access to research such as digital tools, for example – in what we can offer our patients, doctors and staff, ”she concludes.

The process of effective integration of the clinic – like the other C2S establishments – within the Elsan group should be effective “during the summer”.

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