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The behavior of FC Barcelona players outraged Spain!

Last night, the FCBarcelona press release fell to announce the transition to partial unemployment, with a reduction in wages. “This is essentially a reduction in working hours, imposed by the circumstances and the protective measures implemented, and, consequently, a proportional reduction in the remuneration provided for in the respective contracts, measures which the club wishes to apply by scrupulously following the formal labor regulations, according to the criteria of proportionality, and above all equity, and with the sole objective of resuming club activity as soon as possible. “ This concerns all the club staff, athletes and others, and all sports. The decision was formalized while the debate was still raging in the various locker rooms, including that of footballers.

As we explained to you in the previous days, some players immediately accepted the principle while others put their lawyers or representatives on the spot and were visibly more reluctant. Barça, which has been losing nearly € 5 million a day since the start of the crisis, decided to move forward without further delay and announced its measures. The imposed wage reduction should even be retroactive and begin on the first day of confinement.

Even the pro-Barça press is outraged

The behavior of certain sportsmen within the club leaves traces and this Friday, even the Catalan newspapers are not tender with their foals so often praised. Some articles first point out that Barça players are the best paid in the world, since the club offers the highest payroll (with an average annual salary of € 11.475 million before Real Madrid and Juventus). To better recall the incongruity of the situation. Editorialists have also taken up their pen to speak out against the behavior of these tried footballers “Selfish”.

This is the case of Luis Mascara in the columns of Sport. “The coronavirus does not know social classes, races or religions. He makes no distinction between poor and millionaires. Although the latter, obviously, have much more means to protect themselves and lock themselves in their palaces … That is why it is even more surprising than after having seen that there are indeed infected elite footballers by COVID-19, many cracks are still not united in the face of the crisis caused by this pandemic. They refuse to temporarily lower their astronomical wages (…). They still think they are untouchable. And, for a few honest exceptions, their only share of humanity is their selfishness “. Some will likely feel more targeted than others.

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