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“The Beauty Benefits of Skipping Alcohol: Weight Loss, Skin Rejuvenation, and Muscle Building”

A drink once in a while is of course delicious, if we say so ourselves. Still, skipping such a drink can have quite big benefits. For example, we already knew that it is a lot better for our health. But did you know that leaving a drink in the beauty field also has a lot of benefits? Yes really! We have listed a few for you.

To fall off

First of all, it is of course important to know how many calories a drink actually contains, right? Well, let’s be honest: One gram of alcohol equals seven calories. And if you then consider that there are about three hundred calories in one cocktail, you soon end up with about 2100 calories per drink. And, usually we don’t just leave it at one.

It is therefore very logical that if you leave those drinks, you automatically lose weight. But… you also have to be careful with that. Does that one glass of wine sound like music to you? Keep in mind that your body can subconsciously replace the alcohol with carbohydrates and sugar. The reason for this is that the alcohol causes a release in dopamine. And let your body unknowingly compensate for that release with something else. So pay attention to that!


Because alcohol can have a drying effect on your skin, it can cause your skin to become dry and tight. It is therefore possible that, because you often drink alcohol, your skin is going through an accelerated aging process. The elasticity of your skin deteriorates if you regularly drink a drink.

If you stop drinking alcohol for a few weeks, there is a good chance that your skin will produce new cells to restore that elasticity. And yes, this also gives your skin a radiant and even complexion. And we want that! Goodbye dry skin, hello proper moisture balance.


Alcohol can also be a bump in the road are involved in muscle building. This is mainly because alcohol slows down the production of growth hormones. Okay, muscles don’t immediately have anything to do with beauty, of course, but if your muscles have to recover after an intensive workout, chances are that this will go a lot slower and you will therefore burn calories a lot less quickly. Wow!

So are you a fanatical athlete? Then it’s high time to put that drink aside so that your growth hormones can do what they want. It makes sense that this also gives you more stamina, since you can now perform that one annoying exercise much more easily. Worth a try, So!

Source: Ze.nl | Image: Pexels

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