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The beauty anchor broke 3 men!College private life is super chaotic 9 years of intimate photos of the cannon friend show: love to grab a close boyfriend

Sang Zi Zhenfan has a fresh image. (Picture/Retrieved from IG/maho_kuwako)

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The 33-year-old Japanese beauty anchor Maho Sangko works on NHK TV. She has a fresh image and has been invited to host the annual event “Red and White Singing Contest” many times. Unexpectedly, Sangzi Zhenfan recently broke the news by a man who claimed to be a college senior, saying that she had a chaotic private life as a student. Not only did she step on three boats, but she also maintained a relationship with herself for 9 years, and even liked to steal a close boyfriend, and made public 2 A close photo was used as evidence, which severely damaged the image of the woman.

Japanese media “Weekly FLASH” broke the news that the man claimed to be Masako Sangzi’s senior at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. The two met during the summer vacation when the woman was studying in the first grade. At that time, the other party had a boyfriend, but he still had a super friendship with him. Dates at residences or restaurants many times; not only that, during the 9 years that Sangzi and seniors were dating, the highest record was 3 people at the same time. Until she went to work in Tokyo, the two people gradually separated.

The university senior revealed that as long as it is a man that Sangzi Zhenfan is fond of, she doesn’t care whether the other party has a relationship with or not. She even thinks that the boyfriend who steals a girlfriend is very exciting, and the bold style is far from the image in front of the screen. In addition, the whistleblower also provided 2 photos as evidence. Sang Zi Zhenfan was seen holding the man tightly and generously letting him kiss the cheek; the other photo directly said “non-consensual dating”, which added credibility to the relevant claims. .

It is understood that Kuanzi Maho once married the male anchor Shinichi Tanioka. The two divorced in 2018. She is currently dating the well-known Japanese conductor Seiji Ozawa and the 46-year-old son Ozawa Seiyue of the actress Miki Iri. The two have repeatedly reported their intention to get married. , But now it has been exposed to the absurd past, and subsequent development has aroused outside attention.

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