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The beautiful art of Star Wars is a perfect tribute to James Earl Jones – Cinemascomics.com

The beautiful art of Star Wars is a perfect tribute to James Earl Jones and those who came before him

A new piece of Star Wars art pays tribute to the late James Earl Jones and some of the franchise’s other legends. James Earl Jones died on September 9 at the age of 93. Jones is perhaps best known for voicing Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy of films, and for several other subsequent stories in the franchise’s history. The mark that both James Earl Jones and Darth Vader have left on the Star Wars timeline cannot be quantified, and their deaths are a true tragedy. Jones’ passing has also inspired several Star Wars fans to commemorate him, sometimes through art.

Now, digital artist guille__ has created a piece of art that imagines Jones alongside several other Star Wars icons who have passed away.

James Earl Jones joins a host of legendary Star Wars actors, including Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa), Kenny Baker (R2-D2), Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan Kenobi), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Sir Christopher Lee (Count Dooku), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Peter Cushing (Governor Tarkin), Carl Weathers (Greef Karga), and Ray Stevenson (Baylan Skoll). It also reunites Jones with two other actors who originally portrayed Darth Vader: David Prowse, the actor in the suit, and Sebastian Shaw, who portrayed Vader when he was unmasked in Return of the Jedi. The artwork pays tribute not only to James Earl Jones, but to all of the actors who have since passed away.

James Earl Jones

Star Wars has forever cemented the legacy of these actors

Although James Earl Jones and the other actors depicted in the artwork have passed away, their work will live on forever. Star Wars has made sure that their legacy lives on for a long time to come. Millions of people have come to love and adore Star Wars, and the franchise simply wouldn’t exist without their work. The Star Wars films themselves will continue their legacy, but the franchise’s millions of fans will always remember how the actors helped influence their lives, as well as the joy brought to them by the actors’ time spent in the galaxy far, far away.

Star Wars certainly cemented the legacy of each of its actors, but that’s not to say that they’ll only be known for their roles in the galaxy far, far away. Several Star Wars actors have gone on to make wonderful films outside of the franchise. For example, James Earl Jones portrayed several iconic characters, such as Mufasa in The Lion King, while Alec Guinness had a successful acting career in multiple dramas long before he ever lit up a lightsaber. Each of the franchise’s actors has left their mark on cinematic history, and Star Wars has simply ensured that those marks will be remembered by a much larger audience.

While James Earl Jones and all of the actors who made Star Wars the iconic franchise it is today will still be alive, they are greatly missed. Their deaths were true tragedies and none of them will ever be replaced. Knowing that his work can always be seen again—and that his influence on Star Wars will never truly end—offers some comfort, but his absence will always be felt. James Earl Jones isn’t the first Star Wars legend to pass away, but he’s certainly one of the most missed.

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James Earl Jones According to the criteria of Tobi Oulego

My name is Tobi Oulego, I’m from Buenos Aires and I’m dedicated to creating content for movies and series. Since I was very young I’ve been a fan of all geek universes, I grew up with “Star Wars” and “Harry Potter” but today I specialize my content in the Marvel and DC universes.

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