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the battle against the “self service” sale of loose bread won – Targatocn.it

The approximately 1300 artisans in the Piedmont bakery sector rejoice after a long battle that led to victory: the Council of State, with a recent ruling, has in fact banned the sale of white art products in self-service mode in large-scale distribution .

Just two years after our first victory in which the prohibition by the large retailers to name precooked bread with the words “Fresh Bread” came into force – he comments Dino De Santis, president of Confartigianato Turinwith this new sentence of the Council of State, the positive conclusion of another battle fought against a customary practice in large-scale distribution considered, rightly, to better protect the health of consumers is sanctioned”.

With this new act, which is valid throughout the national territory, the highest administrative legal consultancy body fully embraces the theses carried out with tenacity by Confartigianato.

The “arm wrestling” between suppliers and trade giants began in December 2020 when the carabinieri of the Nas of Lecce seized 23 kilograms of bread and imposed the suspension of the sale in “self service” mode at a supermarket. Commercial structure that in any case had immediately appealed against the measures adopted. Reword that the Council of State in recent weeks has judged inadmissible for various reasons including the one that highlights how the self-service sale of loose bread is completely unsuitable for guaranteeing the most basic food safety requirements. Furthermore, the ruling states that loose bread obtained by completing the baking of the pre-cooked bread must be packaged before being put on sale and cannot be packaged by the customer.

This is yet another step forward in a situation that sees the “little ones” fight against incorrect practices that are becoming more and more frequent and burdensome – continues De Santis – and that undermine the growth and survival of independent bakers. A condition, this of the loose bread that put the small bakers in a situation of serious inferiority”.

Justice has been done and market rules rebalanced – conclude De Santis – in favor of the approximately 1,500 bakery businesses that every day in Piedmont churn out dozens of tons of bread and other types of bakery products, respecting a strict food control system, the HCCP, introduced by the legislator to guarantee safety and hygiene of services and goods intended for sale

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