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The Basque Government will not repeal the VTC decree, as the CNMC wants

The Basque Government will not repeal the VTC decree, as the CNMC wants

The National Commission of Markets and Competition, and in its representation, the economist of Opus Dei, Marín Quemada, also attacks the Basque Country.

Despite the fact that the CNMC reports are not binding, Quemada continues to insist on favoring the VTC sectors, and this time has asked the Basque Government to repeal four articles of the regulations that regulate the service of Transport Vehicles with Driver.

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The Basque Government spokesman, Josu Erkoreka, explained that the articles in question refer to the obligation to pre-contract the service 30 minutes in advance, to the prohibition on driving to attract customers, and to the prohibition on remaining parked on public roads.

Regarding the decree, it was to enter into force on December 21, 2019, but the Basque Country Superior Court of Justice (TSJPV) provisionally suspended it in its most relevant aspects after the appeal filed by Unauto.

In the appearance after the meeting of the Basque Government Council, Erkoreka has responded to the National Competition Commission that the Basque Executive is “fully competent” to grant VTC authorizations and that, therefore, the empty regulations are ” legitimate, necessary and proportionate in its limitations ».

The objective of the decree is, as he has insisted, the maintenance of a public service of general interest, such as the taxi, as well as the balance between the two types of urban transport service.

For this reason, he recalled that with this regulation what is intended is “to avoid fraud and maintain the survival and stability of the taxi service.”

In this sense, he warned that the requirements for taxis and VTCs are very different, since the former are subject to “intense regulation of licenses, fixed rates and certain levels of quality, safety and accessibility.”

“If both transport services are present on equal terms, the necessary general interest of the service provided by taxis would not be defended,” he said.

Erkoreka underlined that the Basque decree is the result of the collaboration of the Taxi Bureau and VTC, sectors that have worked together in the elaboration of a norm that regulates the activity of the sector in the Basque Country in the “most efficient and orderly manner” .

The Basque Government will not repeal the VTC decree, as the CNMC wants

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