The Basque institutions have not yet determined the final destination of this contribution
The Basque institutions expect to receive the first installment corresponding to the around 400 million euros that the State will give them for the new temporary taxes on banks and energy companies next May, as announced by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pedro Azpiazu, who has indicated that it has yet to be decided what specific measures this sum will be used for.
Azpiazu appeared before the media this Wednesday after the weekly meeting of the Basque Public Finance Council (CVFP), in which he participated together with the general deputies of Bizkaia, Lava and Gipuzkoa and a representation of the Association of Basque Municipalities- eudel.
In the meeting it was confirmed that, after the strong recovery registered in 2021 after the covid-19 crisis in 2020, the collection of concerted taxes from the Basque Country has once again shown significant progress in 2022, the year in which that the foral haciendas entered 17,130.7 million euros (+7.3%).
This figure represents a degree of execution of 100.1% over the last forecast made last October, since 21.4 million euros more than those forecast on that occasion have been collected, and 105.2% over the figure collected. in the 2022 budget.
(Habr amplificacin)