Home » today » World » The basic model of the universe is wrong. The results of ten years of measurements found its weakness – ČT24 – Czech Television

The basic model of the universe is wrong. The results of ten years of measurements found its weakness – ČT24 – Czech Television

Where is the mistake and what does it mean

So it is very likely that the results of this experiment are real – and the error will probably be somewhere in the Standard Model. The question is where. This model has several weaknesses, for example, it cannot explain and describe two of the fundamental phenomena of the universe – dark matter and gravity. In addition, for a year now there have been indications that even a particle named mion Standard Model could not predict well.

The results do not necessarily say that this whole model is completely wrong. “If this measurement is confirmed, it indicates a possible need to improve the calculation of the Standard Model or to extend it,” the researchers working on the experiment said in a press release. “Although this is an interesting result, the measurement needs to be confirmed by another experiment in order to be fully interpreted,” added Joe Lykken, Deputy Director of Fermilab.

This is exactly what experiments have been prepared that will examine the consequences of the new findings using various precipitation experiments – so they will record particle collisions and try to find out as much information as possible. Results from ATLAS and CMS detectors, two detectors at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, are still expected. It was these two detectors that helped find the Higgs boson ten years ago, so scientists have high hopes for these measurements. Even more important, however, may be the modernization of the Great Hadron Collider (LHC), which should be completed in 2027.

According to David Toback, the result is an important contribution to verifying the accuracy of the Standard Model. “It is now up to the community of theoretical physicists and other experiments to follow up and explain this mystery,” he added. “If the difference between the experimental and the expected value is due to some new particle or subatomic interaction, which is one of the possibilities, there is a good chance that this is something that could be discovered in future experiments.”

According to him, this discovery could lead to the creation of a new, more complete theory of the functioning of the universe. “If the results are verified by other experiments, the world will look different,” he told BBC News. “There must be a paradigm shift. It is hoped that perhaps this result will be the one that will break the dam. The famous astronomer Carl Sagan said that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. We believe we have them. “

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