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The Baroches | Obituary. Mrs Florence Panot

We have learned of the death of Mrs. Florence Panot, which occurred on Tuesday January 11 in Les Baroches, at the age of 59. Born Reynard on June 9, 1962 in Saint-Etienne, she married Laurent on July 2, 1988 in Briey. From their union were born three sons: Emmanuel, domiciled in Mancieulles, Louis-Marie, in Grenoble and Pascal, in Metz. A professor of classics, she was Agathe’s happy grandmother.

The body rests at the Damgé funeral home, 4 rue Louis-Bertrand in Briey. His funeral will be celebrated on Friday January 14 at 10:30 a.m. in the Saint-Gengoult church in Briey. The transfer of the body to Thionville for cremation will follow.

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