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The Barcelona taxi announces mobilizations the week of May 17

The Barcelona taxi announces mobilizations the week of May 17

Once again the Barcelona taxi sector announces imminent mobilizations due to the unfair competition that exists in the streets of Barcelona.

“We have no choice but to denounce how Cabify laughs at our institutions, Guardia Urbana and Mossos d’Esquadra,” announced the Elite Taxi association in a statement to which Todo Taxi has had access.

“From Elite Barcelona we are not going to let more time pass and we will call the sector to mobilize the week of May 17”.

Taxi drivers report that it is unfortunate that the taxi sector has to go out to the streets to continuously denounce the breaches of companies that do not pay taxes in our country, exploit the worker and are continuously condemned, as is the case of Cabify by network pathological companies.

“These are difficult times for all of us and we are very understanding, but the reality is that we cannot lower our guard because these companies today have fewer cars due to the pandemic situation, but in a few weeks thousands will be seen on the streets of Barcelona and we are not willing to see how they systematically violate the rules and nobody does anything. They are too many years denouncing the same thing and we cannot bear it more ».

Apart from the irregularities that taxi drivers have continually denounced by Cabify, such as illegal capture, the use of the app and the parking of vehicles on public roads, it has also been detected from the sector that all these vehicles carry the ITV expired.

The rule is clear in this regard and Transport Vehicles with Driver (VTC) must pass the inspection from the second year and none of these vehicles has passed it, which seriously endangers the safety of its users and the rest of the vehicles on public roads.

As reported by Elite Taxi, in the coming days they will request the corresponding permits to start a calendar of mobilizations that will be directed at the administrations responsible for not enforcing the law.

Download the current regulations that regulate the operation of VTCs

The Barcelona taxi announces mobilizations the week of May 17

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