Home » today » Business » The Banking Commission convenes the CEO of Mps to talk about Antonveneta and the “sale” of the bank

The Banking Commission convenes the CEO of Mps to talk about Antonveneta and the “sale” of the bank

MILANO – The bicameral commission of inquiry on banks is not satisfied with the answers of Fabrizio Leandri, credit manager of MPS audited on Tuesday. And in the week between 21 and 26 September, he convenes the leaders of MPS on the dossiers relating to the future of the institute and the Antonveneta affair, issues raised in yesterday’s hearing by some members of the parliamentary commission. The final greeting to Leandri from the President of the Commission, Carla Ruocco (M5s), already made it clear, after a speech of almost an hour: “See you soon”. In fact, after his hearing, the Bureau of the Bicameral Commission on Banks met and in 10 minutes decided, with unanimous indication, to accept the proposal of Senator M5S Elio Lannutti and reconvene the MPS leaders. No longer, like yesterday, to gain insights into the liquidity of SMEs: which loans guaranteed, to whom, with what burocatic delays. This time (estimated in the last week of September), the CEO Guido Bastianini will be questioned on the purchase of Antonveneta in 2008 but “the origin of all evils” (as the senator who followed the major banking issues), until the next sale of 8.1 billion of credits to Amco, to be completed according to the commitments with the ECB by December and premise for the sale of 68.5% of Mps del Tesoro. This sale, heralding over 8 billion in public capital losses, is therefore called a “sale” by many in the M5S. Political rhetoric aside, yesterday the Bicamerale chose to “see” the mischief of its president, who, unlike the Treasury, asks to probe the hypothesis of making MPS a state bad bank to manage the perhaps 150 billion Italian non-performing loans resulting from the lockdown . The rising political debate on the matter, and the upcoming hearings, could induce Palazzo Chigi to take time before signing the Dpcm drafted by the Treasury and forwarded to the executive at the beginning of the week. A step specifically requested by European banking supervision to authorize the spin-off of 8 billion euro loans. But with this climate, and about ten days after the delicate passage of the elections in seven Italian regions, the signing of the MPS dossier by Giuseppe Conte could also postpone until after the political vote on 20 and 21 September.

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