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The band counts, and it counts a lot

The nervousness of knowing if the future President will be managed from Palenque invades the environment in many sectors of society and is a public issue that ranges from curiosity to concern.

When asked, I say that Claudia Sheinbaum will not be a faithful copy of the outgoing President. presidential sash counts and counts a lot, even if there is no obvious conflict or exacerbated tension between them. Sheinbaum has the ability to assert oneself from the moment he takes office and has the constitutional support and all laws relating to the electoral mandate.

The constant intervention and evident interference of the outgoing President in issues and initiatives whose management goes beyond his six-year term has put the mat What will be the extent and depth of your way of cling to power and to engage the incoming administration.

Appoint state secretaries and define the profiles of those who occupy the positions. vacant The powers of the future cabinet are exclusive to the President-elect. My response and opinion are based on the history of successions in this country and its peculiarities.

The common factor among those who ask this question is to automatically compare the present with what happened during the presidential regime of Plutarch Elias Calleswhose influence on subsequent presidents was so overwhelming that one of them, Pascual Ortiz Rubioended up resigning after having suffered an attack. This was followed by Abelardo L. Rodriguezwho only served as president to complete Ortiz Rubio’s term.

Then he came to power Lazaro Cardenasalso driven by Calles, who believed he had it under control; however, the “top boss“He ended up on board a plane bound for Los Angeles, from where he could not return until the government of General Avila Camachowith the lesson learned and without any attempt to influence the government.

Another referable case is that of Luis Echeverria Alvarezwho tipped the balance of succession towards his friend from his youth, Jose Lopez PortilloDuring the campaign, the opposition candidates decided to withdraw and López Portillo remained as the only candidate.

Seeing Echeverría’s frequent interventions in the election of leaders of deputies and senators, López Portillo accepted the advice of Jesus Reyes Heroleshis first Secretary of the Interior, so as not to lose the respect of politicians and citizens for any reason: designate himself the leadership and appoint Echeverría ambassador to the Fiji Islands, a remote point in the South Pacific. The message was clear and López Portillo did not hesitate to assume power and the leadership of the presidency.

History also records smooth and unbroken successions like the current one – of course, always between presidents who come from the same party. This was also the case for President Salinas y From Madridd, who never had differences and sought to provide friendly and respectful public treatment.

Even without many nominations and designations of deputies and senators as happened with “the Echeverría Congress”, the newly anointed declare and manifest their attachment and loyalty to the one who wears the presidential sash. On October 1st we will surely see a reissued version of this same thing.

What will Claudia Sheinbaum do? I doubt she is thinking of putting her undeniable promoter on a plane or starting a journalistic campaign against her. Simply carry out her duties without fanfare. She has the support of millions of voters, even those of us who did not vote for her.

The nuances of the transition will continue to be determined, as has always been the case, by circumstances. There is only room for one female president in the eagle’s chair, and it is up to her to exercise power and assume her functions; to do so, she is expected to strengthen and reinforce the rule of law and comply with the laws.

Notary, former Attorney General of the Republic

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