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The Baltic States and Israel Condemn Hamas Terrorism and Call for International Action

As informed by the Press Service of the Saeima, today in Tel Aviv the Chairmen of the Foreign Affairs Committees of the Knesset of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Israel signed a joint statement in which they unequivocally condemn the barbaric and inhuman acts of terrorism committed by “Hamas” against Israel and its citizens, and affirm Israel’s legal right to defend their nation and citizens from violent acts of terrorism.

The heads of the foreign affairs commissions call on the international community to give clear signals to Iran, Syria and Lebanon, as well as to organizations in the region not to engage in hostilities. The international community is called upon to act in a coordinated manner and with strict sanctions to continue Iran’s isolation, while like-minded countries are encouraged to recognize the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

MPs believe Iran poses a serious global threat and has directly funded and supported much of the violence against Israel. The statement also expressed concern about the growing cooperation between Iran and Russia, including the implementation of hostilities in Ukraine, as well as concerns about Iran’s nuclear program. The international community has been asked to urgently agree on a determined and concerted effort to address this growing threat.

The chairmen of the foreign affairs commissions are committed to strengthening the cooperation between the Baltic states and Israel, including at the parliamentary level, to achieve peaceful coexistence between Israel and its neighboring countries, and call on the entire international community to advocate for comprehensive peace.

As part of the visit, the heads of the foreign affairs commissions of the Baltic countries’ parliaments are also scheduled to meet with the speaker of the Knesset and the minister of foreign affairs of Israel, as well as a visit to the western part of Israel.

2023-10-16 14:30:00
#Latvian #Foreign #Affairs #Commission #signed #statement #condemnation #Hamas

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