Palma de Mallorca (dpa) – 2023 is the year 1 after the controversial Ballermann surprise success “Layla”. The party hit that makes you shout along and get excited (“She’s more beautiful, younger, hotter”) dominated last year’s summer slump and the German charts. The hit of 2022 is bringing attention to a type of music that is largely celebrated in beer tents, at shooting festivals or on Playa de Palma on Mallorca.
The season of the party strongholds Bierkönig and Megapark officially ends there at the weekend. What is the musical balance?
“On the whole, the Ballermann boom continued in the music year 2023,” sums up Hans Schmucker from GfK Entertainment. The market research company determines the Official German Charts. Overall, more songs could have been placed, albeit shorter than last year.
A trend that is already emerging before the season. Shooting star Julian Sommer (25, “Dicht im Flieger”) spoke in April about “a striking number of party songs” that would be released. Some wanted to jump on the “Layla” success bandwagon. “I think the huge number of songs this year will make it a bit inflationary.”
“Peter Pan” is ab
Sommer lands the first hit of the season in spring together with colleague Mia Julia, with a party ode to the eternally young children’s hero “Peter Pan”: “Fuck, I’m blue like the ocean again. And I believe that I can fly like Peter Pan.” This puts the two of them in 24th place straight away and places them in 53rd place in the annual evaluation (so far).
Later, the Rhineland-Palatinate native sings about another Disney character in his very own Ballermann way: “Half a cock, half a woman. Arielle, you horny pig,” says the duet with Lorenz Büffel. This summer, the tipsy audience also skillfully bawled along to the musical declarations of love to Mallorca by Peter Wackel (“Inselfieber”) or Frenzy (“Lancelot”).
Ballermann icon Ikke Hipgold (47) will delight his fans with various songs in 2023, the most successful of which is currently at number 47 in the annual charts: “Bumsbar”. This is not the name of a disreputable bar, but the word can be grammatically assigned to the group of adjectives: “Today we are fuckable again. Horny girls, horny boys there”.
Overall, the Tiktok generation has arrived on the Playa. Pimped-up electro songs (“Friesenjung”) will increase the beat count enormously in 2023, and more and more young DJs will be playing in the Megapark, who will sometimes be on stage with greats like Mickie Krause (“No More Alcohol – Free Drinks”).
Horses and dolphins
Best example of the rejuvenation treatment: The official summer hit of the year “Girl on the Horse” by Luca-Dante Spadafora, Niklas Dee and Octavian is also played up and down the Ballermann. According to GfK, the dance track from the children’s film “Bibi & Tina” is currently the most successful party hit of the year (19th place).
In addition to horses, other animals have also conquered the hearts of the German party community. In their Gaga song “Delfin” Isi Glück and Honk sing this philosophical refrain: “I have a dolphin in my fanny pack. And my horse, if I’m not careful. Eats the dolphin’s soup from my fanny pack. He’s a swallowing woodpecker .” Well then cheers!
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2023-10-25 12:55:22
#Ballermann #hits