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THE BALL – «Vanderlei arrived, took the beer … then took the wine …» (Spain)

The ESPN channel produced a documentary about Real Madrid called «Galáticos», having interviewed several former players from the past few years.

One of them was the Brazilian Roberto Carlos, who was trained by compatriot Vanderlei Luxemburgo [esteve no Real entre 2004 e 2006], and now told what went wrong …

“He came from a South American school for European football, he didn’t know the club very well. We used to get to the concentration and, before dinner, have our beer and our wine ”, he began by recalling, exemplifying what happened before Luxembourg.

«When Vanderlei arrived, he took out the beer first … then he took out the bottles of wine. Ronaldo and I said ‘Teacher, they have their customs here … Try not to change, if we are not going to have problems’ », he said.

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