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THE BALL – Over 100 people hospitalized for following Trump’s suggestion (United States)

More than 100 people have been admitted to hospital centers in the United States for following Donald Trump’s suggestions about ingesting disinfectant as a way to treat Covid-19, according to the New York Daily News.

In addition, there have been several calls to the Maryland emergency hotline to get advice on using disinfectant products to treat the new coronavirus.

The Emergency Management Agency of that state was even obliged to publish an alert through its official page on the social network Twitter, realizing that it had received “huge calls of questions about the use of disinfectant”.

“Under no circumstances should any disinfectant product be ingested, whether through injections, ingestion or any other form”, the agency’s statement reads.

The state of New York found itself in the same situation, with the local Poison Control Center reporting that it received 30 calls between 9 pm on Thursday and 3 pm on Friday.

On Wednesday, the American President suggested, in a press conference, that the ingestion of disinfectant, such as bleach, could be a treatment for Covid-19, as well as ultraviolet rays. Later, when asked about the same statements, Trump said he was just being sarcastic.

After the statements, several manufacturers of disinfectants issued communiqués through social networks to warn of the harmful effects of ingesting bleach or another type of disinfectant product.


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