Home » today » World » The “bag of lies” in GERB is running out – 2024-08-16 18:07:34

The “bag of lies” in GERB is running out – 2024-08-16 18:07:34

/ world today news/ As a defensive reaction to negative news for itself, GERB is already actively promoting the term “fake news”. With its help, they hope to disavow any information they find objectionable. But this also shows a certain exhaustion of the “bag of lies” in GERB. As soon as they resort to prints, they will become increasingly unflattering to the public.

GERB used the summer timelessness to test their new political messages, on which the stability of the government will be built in the next year and a half. This is an old practice of theirs – to impose their themes on the society, so that the kosours do not shine in their management. Because if they drop the agenda from their hands, they have to run for early elections. They well understand that the existence of the “Borisov-3” cabinet depends on this, and not on parliamentary majorities, relations with the patriots and our future EU presidency.

Obviously, their message of stability will remain leading, but it will now be served with a “garnish”. On the one hand, the rulers will trumpet our “exceptional” economic growth, and sociologists will sing that, you see, the population has finally felt this same growth in their pockets. And he seems satisfied. For the first time in 3 decades. It is expected that no one will ask the elementary question that it was precisely in 2017 that there was no police stability in our country.

At the beginning of the year, the effect of the “Radev tsunami” was still felt in the presidential elections, the “Borisov-2” cabinet resigned, we had a caretaker government, and then “Borisov-3” came. It is clear that even if we reject the blasphemous thought that the economic revival can be attributed precisely to the fact that GERB was five months removed from the state manger and our economy made the most of this fact, it can be confidently asserted that today’s rulers have nothing to do with economic growth. It happens without them and even in spite of them.

The second line presents Prime Minister Borissov as a diplomatic luminary on the Balkan Peninsula. I understand how ridiculous that last sentence sounds, but we’ve been through that too. The concluded friendship treaty with Macedonia was presented almost as a continuation of our struggles for national unification, but in fact we legally recognized the existence of the Macedonian language, de facto and the existence of a Macedonian nation that uses this language. Worse, we did it in a way that further increased the tension between the authorities and the opposition in Skopje. We have built a tower on quicksand, which will probably collapse the moment VMRO-DPMNE comes back to power. And that could happen as early as this fall.

As for Macron’s visit, it was the quintessence of our baijanovishness. Already at the moment of his arrival, our foreign minister was filming with a gsm how the plane was taxiing on the runway, like a fan welcoming her favorite band, then Boyko kissed him in the Sikaji style and presented him with the official delegation, in which “everyone parlez-vous français” , finally he complained that some people forgot to light the lamp and he wanted to beat them, and with that our international breakthrough was completed. Well, we also agreed with the French position on the so-called business trips, which affects about 20-30 thousand Bulgarians, but we couldn’t help it – are we going to waste the money of the French. And if Macron was surprised by Bulgarian servility, which is ready to agree to anything only in exchange for empty promises about Schengen and the Eurozone, he clearly does not know us. We would have pleased him, even if he had praised our Black Sea. Where has he seen palaces like the one in Euxinograd!

In fact, the real line of behavior of Borisov and GERB in foreign policy boils down to the search for a completely different type of relationship. Which are expressed in our unreserved agreement with everything coming from Brussels and the big European capitals, and we only hope that against our servitude they will not turn the faucet on the European funds and will not take a detailed look at the prevailing lawlessness and corruption in the country.
If they take a look, we already have something to cover their eyes with – the so-called anti-corruption legislation. There is no one to catch this fishing line in Bulgaria anymore, but the Europeans can be baited for some time – at least while the presidency lasts. And if there is a peak of our diplomacy, it is that we will lie to the Europeans about how we are fighting corruption in the very temple of corruption – NDK.

And while Hungary and Poland are designated as the bad guys in the European Union, because they are trying to revive the debate about the place of national interests in the community, Borisov’s Bulgaria pursues purely commercial goals. It was not transport corridors, it was not a gas hub, in a word, the government is trying to turn into a national priority all things that can be stolen from. And which are devoid of any intellectual component.

GERB’s media strategists will have to come up with something on the fly against President Radev as well. Tsetso’s clumsy efforts to discredit the head of state in connection with the selection of a new fighter jet clearly did not succeed, and now Borisov has to blush while reading sociological surveys, which, not only do they define his party as the most corrupt, but they also want the president to appoint the head of the anti-corruption unit. Which Boyko interpreted as an invitation to commit suicide.

But perhaps propaganda is only the smaller part of the efforts GERB makes to manipulate us. Of course, it is important what and how it passes through the media, but in our conditions it is also important what is missed. We can only imagine the web of advertising addictions, informal contacts, personal attachments, by means of which the news is brought to us in a way that pleases the rulers.

In the Sujuka affair, they tried to bring the story under the light of the fight against corruption within their own ranks. And they lost. The public saw in what happened not a relapse, but a symptom of Gerber’s rule. Which is ready for anything, even to get into embarrassing situations, just to get rich.
That’s why the media coverage of the murder in Vinogradec was so quick. We were informed that GERB excluded Lazar Vlaikov from its ranks and only a few days later he was arrested. They released interviews with the relatives of the murdered Nasko Tonkev, but the topic remained in the form of a family tragedy. No one dared to ask Borisov and Tsvetanov why they have such cadres as Lazar Vlaikov, whether the rest of their local feudal lords do not feel so powerful that they shoot their fellow diners for pleasure at parties, how is it possible that their law enforcement system is only within a few hour to cover up a public murder, against this background, how many more small and big frauds are being hidden by the police and the prosecutor’s office, when people of the ruling party are involved in them, etc. The mastitis analysts were not invited to tell us whether the scandals surrounding GERB are not a sign of a government that is entering a decisive phase of its decay, consumed by the feeling of impunity and irresponsibility.

As a defensive reaction to negative news for itself, GERB is now actively promoting the term “fake news”. With its help, they hope to disavow any information they find objectionable. But this also shows a certain exhaustion of the “bag of lies” in GERB. As soon as they resort to prints, they will become increasingly unflattering to the public. And then annoying.

In general, it is hardly good for them to try to bring the controversy about their own government within the framework of the postulate of good or nothing. We know who this applies to.

#bag #lies #GERB #running

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