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The Bachelor: Tension Rises as Suitors Discover Alexander’s Connection with Frida

On Tuesday, the atmosphere at “Ungkaren” was tense after suitor Frida Skrunes Sandberg (21) checked in at Ungkarsvillaen.

Bachelor Alexander Lund (30) had known Sandberg from before, which was not very well received among the rest of the suitors.

Also read: “The Bachelor” suitors disappointed by the production’s decision: – Crazy concept

In the episode it emerged, among other things, that Sandberg had been in contact with Lund just before the recording of the program where she is said to have been encouraged by Lund to sign up for the programme.

When the other participants got the hang of this, it became a big topic among the participants. In front of Nettavisen, several of the suitors say that they feel let down by Lund.

Doubts the bachelor

Among others, Synne Berg (23) and Christine Håland Wiig (25), who signed up for Ungkaren for Aleksander Lund, say that they began to doubt the bachelor and became unsure if he was there for the same reason.

– I thought that we had all come there for him, as well as for a fun experience, but then it is very disrespectful if it is true that they have talked together in advance and so closely before recording, Berg told Nettavisen.

Sandberg, for her part, says that she wanted to put all the cards on the table at once to avoid their history possibly coming to light later.

– I hoped there wouldn’t be any drama when I came in and said it, but I wanted to be honest from the start. For me it wasn’t a big deal, because I didn’t know him very well. I had not imagined that there would be so much drama, Sandberg told Nettavisen during the premiere.

He asked the wall

As a result of Sandberg’s story with “The Bachelor”, there were other suitors who wanted to get to the bottom of what the story really was. Among others, Synne Berg, who chose to confront Lund at the first possible opportunity.

– I just thought that it was appropriate for my own part, because I didn’t want to be there if he wasn’t looking for the same thing as me, Berg told Nettavisen during the premiere party.

Watch Synne Berg silence the bachelor in the video below:

It wasn’t just Berg and Wiig who reacted to how Lund had acted a few days before the recording of the program began.

Several girls told Nettavisen that they took a tour with themselves about why they were actually in Greece, and whether Lund was there for the same reason.

The bachelor Alexander Lund, on the other hand, does not see the problem with the fact that he encouraged Sandberg to sign up for the bachelor. During the premiere party of the programme, he did not hide the fact that he can understand the girls’ frustration.

– I can understand that, because we had talked, but I had actually been honest and said that I was going to be on “The Bachelor”. I therefore told her that if she wanted to meet me, she would actually have to sign up, said Lund and continued:

– I feel that is the neatest thing to do in that regard, but I was a bit taken aback that she did it. But it’s very cool done then.

Responds to age

During the rose ceremony on Wednesday, Synne Berg was also skeptical about the age of Sandberg, who had recently checked in. Berg simply thought the 21-year-old was too young to fight for the 30-year-old bachelor.

– I thought Frida was a sweet girl, but personally I think that she is too young for him and that it will be frivolous if she is still going to be here, Berg said and continued:

– She deserves it as much as anyone else, but then maybe I don’t feel that Alexander is not looking for what I thought he was.

Sandberg believes that age should not matter. On Wednesday, she tells Nettavisen that she was a little shocked when she heard that Berg thought she was too young to be on the reality show.

– I didn’t think that nine years in age difference was that big, says Sandberg.

Furthermore, the 21-year-old says that the two have talked together after the recording, and that they are good friends to this day. Nevertheless, Sandberg found it strange that she reacted to it.

– I thought it was a little strange that she didn’t think I deserved a rose, but maybe she was just a little shocked or jealous that I had spoken to Alexander beforehand.

2023-09-28 04:13:46
#BachelorAlexander #contacted #participant #recording #asked #sign

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