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The Azzam: The Largest and Most Luxurious Boat in the World


The Azzam is one of the most massive boats ever created and what it delivers is seven star quality.

During the summer season, who doesn’t feel like renting a boat and sailing towards the horizon to enjoy the pristine and crystalline sea. Obviously, there are different types of boats and different possibilities for going for a swim off the coast, from to possess own boat at rent some one until the decision to leave for one cruise.

But there are those who can enjoy their own private boat which represents the largest ever created to date. We are talking about Yacht Azzam, launched on 5 April 2013 in great secrecy: the largest boat in the world. In fact, its dimensions have exceeded even theEclipse Russian, the previous record holder.

The Azzam is 180 meters long, while the Eclipse is 163.50 meters, and weighs a whopping 14,000 tons. You need to get this huge yacht moving two turbines associated with two diesel engines for a total power of 94,000 horsepower. Although the Azzam has this rig to sail the waters of the world, the craft can’t go over 60 km/h.

The Azzam was designed by Lursen Yacht, or the German shipyard specializing in luxury boats. The project was carried out in three years and, together with the German shipyard, have collaborated also there Nauta Designa Milanese company expert in naval aesthetics, the French design team Christophe Leoni, who dedicated himself to the interiors and cabins. All under the supervision of the English studio Burgess.

The options present on the Azzam

This three-year collaboration has given life to a colossal artificial sea monster that can entertain its guests with crazy options to say the least. On board we can find a ballroom 30 meters long, two nightclubs super-equipped and a pool. For those who are terrified of the sea, or suffer from thalassophobia, there is a solution for you too.

Indeed, the Azzam is also equipped with ben two helipads. In addition to all the interior comforts, there are also the exterior extras. We are talking about both the classics lifeboats that of a small submarine useful for immersing ourselves in marine fauna. However, it’s not just entertainment on board.


Very efficient defense

If the Azzam yacht were attacked by malicious people, its defense system would take care of protecting the vessel and its passengers. The latter consists of a real complete missile system mounted on board. Although this project was intended to remain secret, information has leaked to boating enthusiasts.

But who is the lucky owner of this wonderful yacht? The President of the UAEthat is to say Khalīfa bin Zāyed Āl Nahyān. Unfortunately for him, he wasn’t as lucky as we might believe. Indeed, the man hasn’t had much time to enjoy his stratospheric yachtsince he passed away last year after battling a terrible ailment.

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2023-08-11 08:31:45
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