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The Averroès Muslim high school in Lille could soon be deprived of its contract with the State


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A consultation commission brought together on Monday, November 27 by the prefect of the North issued a favorable opinion for the termination of the contract linking the State to this establishment with excellent academic results, on the grounds of unclear sources of financing.

The Averroès private Muslim high school in Lille (North), one of only two under contract in France, is in the process of losing its National Education authorization. The consultation commission for private education, convened Monday November 27 by the prefect of the North, Georges-François Leclerc, voted for the end of the association contract between the State and the high school. In the evening, Xavier Bertrand, the LR president of the regional council, who has refused any subsidy to the high school since 2019, did not hide his satisfaction: “The commission voted, and it voted by a large majority to terminate the partnership agreement. I finally say, what a waste of years!”

The supporters of Averroes had no illusions: “At the end of this commission, what first emerges is a feeling of very strong hostility,” testifies Joseph Breham, one of the lawyers for the association which manages the high school. “At first glance there was a refusal from the prefect for us to speak, even though the members of the Averroès association have the right to be represented by the person they wish.” He then mentions a “very strong feeling of injustice”, with elements, which the prefect cites, from two reports “one that we only received yesterday evening, and the second that he refused to communicate to us.” The lawyer plans to

2023-11-27 22:00:24
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