So called Mabon is a non-pagan holiday autumn equinox – at that time the world stands on the border between summer and winter, light and darkness. If you want to decorate your house that day, choose candles in dark blood red or orange and yellow or green, autumn leaves and fruits such as gooseberries, gooseberries, chestnuts or red roses, and maybe also artificial spider webs. Take especially asters in the vase, poppies or different types of thistles combined with Mabon. However, the atmosphere of Mabon should not be dark autumn, as is the case with Halloween. It’s still a cheerful and fun summer.
Turn to your inner self
With the arrival of winter, we know that we should not turn to nature anymore, we cannot hope that it will give us something. She falls asleep and falls into a period of depression and suffering. And so we turn in. Not to our body, which has been struggling and working for more than a year, but to our soul, for which it is finally time. Finally, we can dig in and think about the long nights by the fireplace (learning to think).
- That’s the best way to celebrate Mabon – snuggled up in a blanket with a mug of rosehip tea, by the fire, just doing nothing where your thoughts can roam free when you let them run wild. In this way, awaken your creative power and creativity, which comes strongly from doing nothing.
We must also soberly tell ourselves what knowledge we have gained in the last three quarters of a year and how we can further expand and take advantage of it. The meaning of Mabon is to realize that it is time to relax and slow down the pace of life. And also that such obvious suffering is absolutely necessary and not a waste of time. Everything must be balanced, including work time and rest time. Restoration is an important art that sometimes needs to be learned – and now is the time to do it.
Throw a party
Mabon is also a celebration and thanksgiving of the bright half of the year associated with abundance. And what better way to close this chapter? Organize a feast with your loved ones full of good food and laughter. Serve mostly gamewhich is an autumn dish, especially if you prepare it on arrowroot or plums. Of course, don’t forget good wine, which is closely related to Mabon.

Photo: Yuganov Konstantin,
Find time for your loved ones, autumn and winter encourage you to sit together around the firePicture: Konstantin Yuganova,
Arm yourself with precious stones
Each magical holiday throughout the year has precious stones. They can accompany you every day, for example in the form of a simple bracelet, pendants or just in your pocket. About Mabon, get carnelian or jasper, they will protect you from autumn gloom, and topaz will also help. Amethyst or lapis lazuli will help with meditation.
Don’t kill the spiders
Few people like spiders, but at least for now, make sure you don’t kill them. If you catch one, set him free. They are holy about Mabon. It is also called the Weavers’ Festival, because it is a day when everyone is allowed to weave their dreams and desires into the strong ropes of the cosmic fabric of life. So if you have a dream and hope, you have a better chance of making your wishes come true.
Tell each other stories
The last way to celebrate Mabon is to tell stories – this is not very common in our modern world. Meanwhile, sitting down with the family over a good story can be a great autumn activity. For example, you can tell about the origin of this holiday (these are the most common myths about the full moon).
- The goddess Modron gives birth to a son, Mabon. The name means Mac Mòr, because it is his mother’s legacy and light. However, a few days after his birth, Mabon is taken underground, actually back into his mother’s womb. He is safe there, but out of reach of the earthly world. Therefore, the power and colors that accompany Mabon underground will disappear from the world for half a year. However, the little god, nurtured by the body of his mother who embraces everyone, grows and becomes stronger, so he rises again – and together to him comes spring.
- But you may know the oldest and most famous version of this legend – Fr Hades and Persephone.
Mabon celebrations are indeed the essence of autumn hygiene – its aim is to brighten the days that are starting to get darker, and ride the calmer wave of a calm autumn after an active summer.
2024-09-21 03:00:00
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