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The Autonomy Mockery: Wage Cages Being Studied for Schools, Healthcare and Transport

The Lega Nord’s dream of the old wage cages between North and South could soon come true thanks to the Differentiated Autonomy approved by the Meloni government and the center-right. And reality could be even better than the Bossian dreams: because the services (and the salaries linked to them) risk being differentiated by law, establishing that their costs can be different in the country. We are talking about education, health, transportation: that is, the heart of the State that already today does not respect the essential levels of performance (Lep) in the various areas of the country.

The Calderoli Law provides that a series of matters may be devolved to the Regions that request them once the Lep have been established: that is, the minimum services that the State must guarantee equitably throughout the territory. The law provides that everything occurs at zero cost to the public coffers, and therefore the Regions that have greater expenses should give resources to those that have less to guarantee the Lep. But how to set the figures for the Essential Levels of Performance? To answer this question, a commission led by the constitutionalist was created Sabine Cassesewhich in turn appointed a body of twelve experts and started a regulatory review on the Lep.

Cassese has also decided to involve another body, the technical commission on standard requirements led by the Venetian jurist Elena d’Orlando, former consultant to the Veneto governor Luca Zaia in the negotiating delegation of the Region for autonomy.

Cassese has called a decisive meeting for tomorrow with the twelve experts together with the technical commission on standard needs to approve a draft with the criteria needed to define the Lep for the individual subjects. No one has seen the draft but some well-informed indiscretions are leaking out on some slides that will be illustrated in the meeting. In the slides there is a passage that links the definition of the Lep and their costs (including the salaries of the operators) to the standard needs, the latter in turn linked “to the characteristics of the different territories, climate, cost of living, and to the socio-demographic aspects of the resident population”. Furthermore, there are passages that link the Lep to demographic dynamics, which see an ongoing emptying of the South that would therefore justify fewer and fewer services on nurseries, schools and health facilities.

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Parliament has not been and will not be formally informed about the criteria for defining the Lep, as required by the Calderoli law. However, the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement are asking Cassese and ministers Calderoli and Giorgetti to report immediately to the Bicameral on regional issues: “We find the continued persecution of the South and internal areas by the right incredible and for this reason we will continue to fight in defense of national cohesion and unity”, says the head of the Mezzogiorno of the PD, the deputy Marco Saracino. «We will not accept that a technical body defines in an aseptic way outside of parliament the criteria for calculating the Lep, whose political and social effects are there for all to see, moreover with methods that could penalize the most fragile areas of the country», says the Democrat Piero DeLuca. «The document has not been made public, but it would seem that the criterion adopted is that of territoriality: therefore the right to health, the right to education or the right to transport, to give some examples, would be differentiated based on the place of residence», he says Alfonso ColucciM5S group leader in the Constitutional Affairs Committee.

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– 2024-09-26 01:51:19

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