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the automotive manufacturer PSA done in part reverse

Tuesday, June 16, it is unlikely that the 150 employees Polish PSA will work on the site PSA Hordain (Nord), near Valenciennes, as the direction of the car manufacturer announced on Thursday, June 11, when his economic and social committee (ESC). PSA has been part of walking back after the defiance of the political and trade-union aroused by this announcement, and planned to re-employ temporary premises.

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In total, 531 Polish workers of the factory of Gliwice were expected in the North by the end of June for a mission of three months and ensure orders in progress, about 30 000 commercial vehicles. According to the principle of “solidarity” industrial, employee volunteers on the site of the PSA (ex-Opel) in Gliwice, which is facing a low level of activity, should come and lend a hand to their colleagues from the factory of Hordain that benefit from strong activity related to the commercial dynamism of the vehicles they produce.

This is already the case in Metz, a site that manufactures gear boxes, where “50 Poles of Gliwice began work Monday “, as well as“fifteen employees of Douvrin” (Pas-de-Calais) has indicated to the AFP a spokesperson for the site. These employees are paid according to the collective agreements in French by the time of this reinforcement, she said.

For the site of Hordain, employees Polish were to be accommodated by PSA on Lille and Valenciennes, in apartment-hotels, campsites and cottages. But in the evening of Friday, the ministers of labour, Muriel Pénicaud, and the economy, Bruno Le Maire, have asked the car company to abandon its project, and to prioritize the hiring of temporary premises.

“Transforming employees into nomads “

On Saturday morning, according to our information, The Mayor and the CEO of the manufacturer, Carlos Tavares, have phoned and agreed on a intermediate solution. The site PSA Hordain, which resumed its activities on may 11, has need of 531 persons to strengthen its two day shifts and re-launch the team at night. The group had called on its employees Polish rather than resorting to 500 interim northerners that make up usually the third team.

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Employees of PSA are still in part-time unemployment. “Up here, when there have been increases in production, it has always had use of temporary agency workers or CDD, underlines Franck Théry, delegate CGT to Hordain. But the overall project of PSA, it is international mobility to transform its employees in the nomads. “ No question for him to point the finger at the Polish : “These are not enemies, for them it is voluntary to forced. “

“Some temporary workers have the hate. As they are still under contract, they are led to the resignation, ” denounces the CGT

Still, the temps are in limbo for the last forty-eight hours. At Manpower near to Hordain, for example, depicts a catastrophic situation. On the 500 temporary agency workers in the site, 230 are still under contract with PSA, the most until the end of July. “Some have gone from part-time unemployment paid 84 % 50 %denounces the CGT. Some caretakers have the hate. As they are still under contract, they are led to the resignation. “ Vanessa, acting for two years at PSA, in Hordain, explains : “I was put in the end of contract in march and I was waiting for the recovery forward. When I discovered that we had to bring our canvases to blue and the Polish were taking our seats, I was whereas. “

“Modern day slavery “

In the aftermath of the fronde of the French employees, PSA has therefore reviewed its copy, without, however, renouncing completely the principle of solidarity industrial. In fact, a team made up mainly of temporary French still under contract, replacing an important part of the employees of Gliwice, is emerging. The constructor should also appeal to a part of the 270 acting today without a contract and some employees of Polish volunteers.

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“This additional team will depend on the maintenance of the customers’ demand in an uncertain economic environment and the continuation of government subsidies in support of the automotive market strongly undermined by the consequences of the Covid-19 and the new emissions regulations. The extreme gravity of which strikes the automotive industry can not be ignored “says there in PSA. Monday, June 15, a SSC must be organized on the site of Hordain in order to detail the composition of the third team.

“I’m glad to see that you got that Muriel Pénicaud to be involved with the PSA groupsaid Saturday afternoon the member of parliament (PCF, North) Fabien Roussel. We cannot accept that employees, French, Polish or Spanish, go to work 500 miles from home for several months, in the name of the Covid-19, and under the guise that they are permanent in the same group. “ The elected official has estimated that it was “slavery in modern times “. The national secretary of the PCF launched : “I’m going to ask Muriel Pénicaud to go to work for six months in Poland ! This is not the society I want for my children. ”

Fusion PSA-FCA : Brussels worried about a risk of a dominant position in the utilities

The european Commission is concerned by the high market share of the group resulting from the merger between PSA and Fiat Chrysler (FCA) in the small commercial vehicles (vans), and she could ask the two automotive groups concessions to allow their marriage, ahead of the Reuters news agency Monday, 8 June, citing sources close to the matter. PSA and Fiat Chrysler have been made aware of these concerns of the european competition last week, the agency says. The european executive, which intends to complete the preliminary examination no later than 17 June, has refused to speak on the topic, as well as FCA and PSA.

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