Home » today » News » The Ausl assesses the closure of Bartolini. The virus enters the migrant center

The Ausl assesses the closure of Bartolini. The virus enters the migrant center

Attention also shifts to the center of via Mattei. During the lockdown, the Migrants Coordination and associations such as Road Lawyer and Asgi (legal studies on immigration), denounced the inadequacy of the reception center spaces, including shared bathrooms and overcrowded dormitories. But the appeals and open letters sent to the Prefecture, the Municipality and the Region have always fallen on deaf ears. “Many of us – reads an open letter of March 12 – work side by side at the Interporto day and night, where in some warehouses work has doubled to keep up with the huge demand for goods caused by the panic of the epidemic. When we have to rest we return to the crowding of the reception centers. In via Mattei we live in more than 200 and sleep in dormitories that host 5 or more people, often even 10, with beds close together, one above the other. Many of these rooms don’t not even the windows. “

A story that ended in court with the appeal lodged by Asgi to request the transfer of guests. The appeal was dismissed, Asgi filed a complaint, the hearing is set for July. “Unfortunately, the facts prove us right – comments the lawyer Nazarena Zorzella – And we have news that also in other centers there are infected guests and operators”.

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