Home » today » Entertainment » the attack on some positions in Romania and Poland, the general mobilization in Russia, the intensification of the genocide against the Ukrainian people, the nuclear bombings in the Black Sea and in Ukraine

the attack on some positions in Romania and Poland, the general mobilization in Russia, the intensification of the genocide against the Ukrainian people, the nuclear bombings in the Black Sea and in Ukraine

After the latest successful operations in northeastern Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelensky is pressuring President Biden to provide new and more powerful weapons – a missile system with a range of 190 miles that could reach far into Russian territory, he writes. the publication New York Times on September 17.

Zelensky insists he has no plans to hit Russian cities or civilian targets, even as President Vladimir Putin’s forces hit apartment buildings, theaters and hospitals in Ukraine during the war. Weaponsays Zelensky, it is essential to launch a broader counter-offensive, perhaps early next year.

US President Biden is opposed because he doesn’t want a full-scale war with the Russians and just wants them expelled from Ukraine.

A long-range guided missile shipment, which could offer Ukraine new options for targeting Crimea, Russia’s annexed territory in 2014, would likely be seen by Moscow as a major challenge.a conchis dl Biden.

We are trying to avoid World War IIIBiden often remembers his aides.

The president’s senior aides also say that when Biden asked the Pentagon in recent weeks how much long-range missile systems would help Ukrainian forces in the next phase of the war, he was told the benefits would be minimal. This led him to concludethey said, which is not worth the risk.

The Army Tactical Missile System Argument, or ATACMScomes at a critical time when officials from the White House, State Department, Pentagon and US intelligence agencies seem more concerned than ever that Putin may escalate the war to compensate for the humiliating withdrawal of Russian forces from Kharkiv.

They don’t know what form that escalation might take. But many of the options American officials are preparing for are depressing:

  • more indiscriminate bombing of Ukrainian cities,
  • a campaign to kill high-ranking Ukrainian leaders
  • an attack on procurement centers outside Ukraine located in NATO countries such as Poland and Romania which deliver extraordinary quantities. of weapons, ammunition and military equipment in the country

Some officials have expressed concern about this Putin could detonate a tactical nuclear weapon in a demonstration blast over the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean or Ukrainian soil. But there is no evidence that he is moving those weapons, officials say, or that he is preparing such an attack.

A senior official said there is a debate within US intelligence agencies as to whether Putin believes such a step would risk alienating Russia from the countries it needs most, particularly China, or whether he is keeping the option in reserve.

Biden addressed the issue directly in an interview with CBS for 60 minuteswhen he warned that the switch to nuclear or other unconventional weapons the face of war will change.

They will become even more marginalized in the world than they have ever been, Biden said. And depending on the extent of what they do, it will determine which response will occur.

This latter statement appeared to refer to discussions within the US defense community about how to respond to a demonstration explosion, more like a nuclear test, albeit conducted to warn of potential escalation versus an attack by the population. Ukraine.

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