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“The Atheist”.. Director Mohamed Al-Adl: “The film is ready to be shown… and the idea will be fulfilled.”

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – Contrary to what representative Ahmed Al-Sabki said about… The reason for canceling the screening of the movie “The Atheist”.Since the technical processes have not been completed, which require two more weeks, the director of the film, Mohamed Al-Adl, said that the film is “ready to be shown”.

This was in a blog post published by the famous leader in the Egyptian art community called “Mando” on his personal Facebook page, in which he apologized to his friends, whom he invited to a private screening of the film, which is not possible. place in time, and also that the film will not be shown in cinemas, on the previously mentioned scheduled date.

Director Mohamed Al-Adl said: “The truth is, I don’t know why… the answer is with the main censor of works of art,” and explained that the film is “ready to be shown… and a all his stages have been completed, including montage, mixing, and color correction.”

Al-Adl reiterated that the film was “approved for screening after months of observation,” and revealed that he had also filmed “additional footage” and attached two stills, one of which was a a document Display licenseand the other for location approval.

Al-Adl noted a note written by the censor on the last page of the screenplay (which appears in the image he published), which said: “Film that does not move into the Islamic religion, but which removes the image from some who define Islam. according to their will.”

Director Mohamed Al-Adl concluded his post by saying: “The idea will come true, God willing, sooner or later.”

The debate is still going on in Egypt regarding the banning of the movie “The Atheist” Egyptand that’s after Officially announcing the show date Which was scheduled for August 14, and was later canceled 72 hours before the scheduled date, without specifying a new date for the show in detail.

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