The Minister of Social Rights of the Principality, Melania Álvarez, has indicated that her department continues to work on the preparation of a protocol to allow family visits in residential centers for the elderly to guarantee the safety of workers, users and their families.
He protocol, as advanced at the end of the weekly meeting of the Governing Council, will be established for each nursing home depending on the epidemiological situation in which it is found.
“Behind every decision made in the Department of Social Rights there are people, and as we put ourselves in the shoes of those people, we will respond to make access for families more flexible to the centers for the elderly guaranteeing security measures “.
Since last April 23, the elderly who reside in Asturian nursing homes who are terminal phase they can have the accompaniment of a relative following a series of protection instructions and for a maximum time of four hours, but residents cannot receive visitors.
In the Asturian nursing home network, made up of 34 public and 192 private residences -49 of them have been affected by the pandemic- and which host about 12,500 users, have passed away yes 160 elders, of which around 80% have died in hospitals, after having detected 630 positive cases.