The Szent István Religious Education and Culture House was filled with interested people and stalls on Saturday, November 18, in connection with the event entitled Élni JJESEN Jó. The event took place simultaneously in two locations, so on this day, life protection was also the central theme in the building of Szent István Gimnázium in Cistercian.
-The situation of families in today’s world is quite questionable. It is simply a question of what we consider a family, who makes up a family, how to approach life, serve it, accept it, and educate life within the family? There are uncertainties in these issues and many different opinions are expressed with equal force in the world, so we felt it was important that the position of the Catholic Church be voiced with the appropriate force and weight, reaching young people and families, so that everyone knows and experiences that life is good and that life is absolutely good to live – said County Bishop Antal Spányi.
The theme of the whole day was about human life, the arrival of man and its various spots.
– We talked about life, the arrival of life, its conception, its development and its respect, and we covered all the points of this topic. Both when the baby arrives and when it doesn’t, but also when it arrives differently than we wanted. We touched on how the joy of birth, as well as the possible difficulties associated with birth, can be worked through with the support of each other, whether the married couple, the family within itself, or the family with the strength and help of the community around it – expressed journalist Ilona Keresztes, Együtt az Élétért Association vice president.
The national life protection program organized for the third time previously took place in Vácott and Kaposvár, and this year the Diocese of Székesfehérvár took on the difficult but noble task.
Life and the protection of life have now been interpreted in an expanded way, from natural conception to natural death. The first session was about family planning, touching on the topic of abortion. The main topic of the next block was adoption, that is, how we can pass on life in another way. Here they cover details such as adoption, foster care and spiritual adoption.
– In the third section, the retaining power of communities was discussed and the issue of quality old age closed the series. Many lifeguards also arrived for this day. On the 16 beaches, only professionals, communities and organizations working in the field of life protection awaited those interested. Among them, there were many families with small children, but there were also a good number of young people and those belonging to the older age group to the event, and luckily we are prepared to welcome all ages. We believe that everyone has a duty to protect life, even the smallest ones. We can never say, even in old age, that we no longer have to deal with this, because we do and we wanted to draw attention to it, said Toldi Kissevich, Hajnalka organizer and Founder of the Élet Van Tebenned Movement.

In the large hall full of reserved seats, the head of the Diocese of Székesfehérvár spoke first to those present after the joint prayer.
–Families fall apart and something else emerges, which is called this new family, but is there an old and a new family? And then we hear every day how some form of life called new families has dire consequences that lead to tragedy. When the new friend, like a cuckoo in a songbird’s nest, destroys, destroys, kills, causing irreparable damage. Someone needs to say clearly and unequivocally that it is good to live, and of course it is good to live as God intended, as God’s law shows us. It is good to live if we walk on the path on which we can surely follow Christ. We undertook this day at the request of the Family Committee of the Episcopal Conference of the Diocese and together with it to speak the truth and try to deliver this holy message to as many souls, as many hearts as possible, and into the lives of as many people as possible – said Antal Spányi in his welcome speech to those present.
The family referent bishop of the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference also gave his opening thoughts.
– I have great joy and a gift and gratitude in my heart, because this is already the third national life protection day. We embarked on this initiative three years ago and the first location was Vác, then Kaposvár, and now Székesfehérvár provides a very beautiful and worthy space for this. We want to promote the culture of life, even when it seems as if the opposing voices are stronger. During the flood, Noah built an ark and collected all the lives that could be saved, and when they got out of the ark after the flood, the new life could begin. In a way, similar to Noah, we want to build the ark of the culture of life and proclaim that it is always possible to start again if someone’s life has been ruined, if someone’s life has failed, or if the moment has come when they have rejected life. There is repentance, forgiveness and healing, and there is an endless outpouring of God’s love, said County Bishop Marton Zsolt Váci.
Many stalls were lined up on the side of the great hall, behind the arcades, and in the two large forecourts. At one of them, it was possible to discuss the Billings ovulation method. The essence and purpose of the method is that the desired children are born at the desired time. The Saint II. János Pál Institute Good images-bad images, a publication for children resistant to porn. But those who were interested were among others waiting for the Youth in the Service of Life, the József Szötség, which helped to navigate the spiritual adoption, but you could also get to know the mother-daughter workshop called The Princess of the 4 Seasons.