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The aristocrat told what a great mistake Duchess Megana had made

However, as it turned out, Mark did not even intend to repeat the fate of Duchess Catherine. Prince Harry’s beloved woman’s ambitions were so great that she wanted to change the centuries-old tradition of the royal family. The former figure skater Rose Adkins Hals, the wife of the British aristocrat George Hals, is holy.

“I don’t think she wanted to be a part of this lifestyle. Megana tried to enforce her rules, and that’s sad, “said a person close to the royal family.

Rose pointed to a big mistake made by Megana in “escaping” Britain. According to the aristocrat, Harry’s wife would have been able to do much if she had accepted the rules of the royal family.

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“As an example, Megana could have shown that all people are the same, regardless of skin color. If you are part of a royal family, you have great power and say. But she exchanged it for Hollywood fame and a deal with Netflix, ”said Rose Halsa in another newspaper, The Sun.

Harry’s family has admitted that he is very disappointed with his ambitious deal with an influential streaming company. The stumbling block was the series “The Crown”, which depicts life in a British royal family. The royal family believes that the prince should not have been associated with a company that makes money from the royal family’s suffering.

The greatest dissatisfaction has been shown by Prince William, who is still struggling with everything related to his parents, but especially to his mother, Princess Diana. The series’ latest season series is dedicated to the marriage of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

Where do you think most of Netflix’s revenue comes from? From the series “The Crown”. The Duke of Cambridge is very unhappy with this. The prince has a feeling that his parents are being used and displayed in a false and simplistic way to make more money, “an unnamed spokesman told The Sun.

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