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The Archbishop of Oviedo highlights the management of Asturias in a pandemic with “lies” | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

He Archbishop of Oviedo, Jesus Sanz Montes, has criticized this Tuesday that the management of the pandemic has been “unequal”, low “a lot of improvisation” Y “not a few lies”, with the exception of Asturias, where it has been done with “good sense, prudence and reasonable measures”.

Listen to Jesús Sanz Montes, Archbishop Oviedo, Asturias COVID-19 management exception in Play SER

Sanz Montes has officiated this Tuesday in the basilica of Covadonga a Eucharist attended by the President of the Principality, Adrián Barbón, that of the regional parliament, Marcelino Marcos Líndez, and the Government delegate, Delia Losa, among others. The traditional mass every September 8 has been celebrated with the capacity limitation in the temple, and with a lesser presence of authorities, and neither the procession of the Virgin of Covadonga, “La Santina”, to the cave, something that had not happened since the Civil War.

“There has been a lot of improvisation, not a few lies and the intervention of the life of an entire society where feelings, entertainments, beliefs and freedom were confined to the chance of the ‘wizards of oz’ or of the gurus with the usual hammers “, has pointed out in the homily, Sanz Montes.

The archbishop has indicated that “if there is deception, improvisation, unspeakable interests that hide strategies in the control of people’s freedom, their movements, their decisions, then we are facing mismanagement that does not seek the good of the people in a tragedy like the one that plagues us, but to perpetuate oneself in the armchairs of power or aspire to unseat those who sit in them “. “It seemed that the new normal would come by decree and that it would work because whoever has the helm of the ship decides that way, but then the reality is freer or more stubborn and does not adjust, without more, to the political or economic interests of those who with this virus draw at their whim and pretense the map of our lives and their electoral estimates, “he added.

Listen to Jesús Sanz Montes, Archbishop Oviedo, criticism of the Government Sánchez management of COVID-19 in Play SER

Sanz Montes has denounced that there are also people who take advantage of this pandemic to try to “censor religious freedom by command and command.” However, he has pointed out that the “exception” in this context has been Asturias, where the crisis has been managed with “good sense, prudence and reasonable measures in the midst of a flood of people who have visited us.” “The management that has been done is to be appreciated,” he said, addressing President Adrián Barbón before asking the political forces what time to “summer” Y “pitch in.”

Sanz Montes also highlighted the work of the Church in the current context, which “has known how to use the means” as the epidemiological situation has evolved and has turned its temples into “safe spaces.”

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