Home » today » News » The application period for 4 investment interventions will not be less than 60 days-Agro Plovdiv – 2024-09-18 08:12:44

The application period for 4 investment interventions will not be less than 60 days-Agro Plovdiv – 2024-09-18 08:12:44

An increase in the admissions budget can only be made until the publication of the ranking of the applications for assistance

Project regulation for the procedure for providing a financial grant helpfor concluding and amending administrative contracts, for imposing administrative sanctions… has been published for public discussion (read HERE).

The Ordinance regulates the procedure for providing financial assistance for investment interventions (Art. 73 and 74 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115), start-up support interventions (Art. 75), cooperation interventions – without LEADER (Art. 77) and knowledge exchange and information dissemination (Art. 78) .

The Ordinance also regulates the payment of aid for the same interventions, including LEADER interventions financed by the EAFRD.

According to the Public Relations Act, public relations related to the implementation of the Strategic Plan are regulated in the law, Ordinance No. 105 of 2006 on the terms and conditions for the creation, maintenance, access and use of the Integrated System for Administration and Control (promulgated, SG No. 82 of 2006), hereinafter referred to as “Ordinance No. 105 of 2006” and this draft Ordinance.

When developing the rules regulated in the draft regulation, the experience of implementing the Rural Development Program for the previous two program periods was taken into account.

In Art. 68, para. 4 of the ZPZP provides for the deadline and the possibility for applicants to request clarifications on the approved application conditions. In Art. 4 of the draft regulation for the Managing Authority f

provided for a shorter 7-day period for responding to the requested clarifications,

compared to the approach used so far.

In relation to better targeting of financial support, limiting artificial creation of conditions and ensuring the possibility of rapid response to crises (such as floods in the municipality of Biser, the emergency situation in the municipality of Khytrino, the war in Ukraine, the COVID-19 pandemic, African swine fever, etc.) in Art. 3, para. 2 it is intended to create additional restrictions regarding the eligibility conditions for candidates, activities, investments or expenses in the application conditions, and in Art. 5, para. 3 applications for assistance to be submitted in shorter terms.

It is provided for in the draft regulation

minimum term for submitting applications for support of 60 days.

Two or more application deadlines may be specified in the admission opening order, specifying several application periods with different start and end dates.

On the basis of problems found in recent years in the functioning of information systems and registers, in Art. 5, para. 5, it is possible to extend the deadline for accepting applications for support, only when this is tied to the application for the specific admission.

In order to reduce the administrative burden in Art. 6, the documents and information required by the applicants, which are available to the contracting authority, have been reduced.

In Art. 9 and 10 describe the options for withdrawing and changing the application for assistance as provided for in Regulation (EU) 2021/2116, the obligation of the member state to regulate them.

The term for carrying out a comprehensive assessment is up to six months

from the deadline for submitting applications for assistance. This term was determined based on the experience of implementing the Rural Development Program.

In Art. 11, the procedure for preliminary evaluation according to the selection criteria applied by the State Fund “Agriculture” in previous program periods was also introduced. In order to speed up the process of considering the projects, this procedure can be foreseen in the application conditions for certain admissions, for which a large number of support applications are expected to be received, for which a sufficient budget will not be available.

In order to protect the interests of the candidates, the draft regulation includes a procedure for submitting reasoned objections when awarding fewer points than the points claimed by the candidate from the preliminary assessment.

According to Art. 68, para. 5 of the ZPZP

increasing the financial resource for admission

can only be done until the publication of the ranking of the applications for assistance. In order to comply with the provision of the law, the draft stipulates that grant applications that exceed 150 percent of the available budget will not be granted grant-in-aid. Through this approach, a faster implementation of the Strategic Plan is ensured and gives the opportunity to conduct new receptions of applications, adequate to the current needs of the applicants.

Administrative checks will be carried out on all applications for assistance and accompanying documents and cover all elements that can and should be checked by administrative checks. On-site visits and on-site inspections are regulated in the draft regulation.

They are indicated in the project

four cost-effectiveness assessment systems,

which correspond to those provided for in the Strategic Plan. In the application conditions, it will be possible to provide for the use of one or a combination of different evaluation systems, depending on the specifics of the supported activities.

In Art. 13 describes the grounds on which the application for assistance will receive a full and partial refusal for funding and will accordingly be included in the lists under par. 8.

A draft administrative contract is sent to the approved candidates through the SEU. The procedure for amending administrative contracts is described in the draft ordinance.

They are regulated in detail in the draft regulation

administrative checks and on-the-spot checks,

which are carried out by the State Fund “Agriculture” of the payment requests.

The State Fund “Agriculture” will pay the aid after carrying out the necessary checks and in compliance with the principles laid down in Art. 79 of the Law on Assistance to Agricultural Producers. Also, the requirements related to the reductions and refusal to pay the aid, as well as the imposition of financial corrections and administrative sanctions, are regulated in detail.

In § 16, para. 2 of the Transitional and Final Provisions to the Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Support for Agricultural Producers (promulgated, SG No. 39 of 2024, in force from 1.05.2024) is scheduled for adoption in 2024 under intervention under Art. 78 of Regulation (EU) 2021/2115 (namely “Knowledge sharing and information dissemination” – n.b.) the conditions and procedure for payment, for refusal of payment and reductions of payments, and for withdrawal of the paid financial assistance to be regulated in this regulation. Specific provisions are therefore included.

A separate chapter regulates the terms and conditions for subsequent checks after payment has been made, including compliance with the obligation of durability of intervention operations for which a monitoring period is provided.

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