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The appearance of Oumuamua, a mysterious object close to Earth

Arizona, IDN Times – Recently, researchers have shocked the world of astronomy with the discovery of a mysterious object that looks very much like a “biscuit” by naming it Oumuamua. The mysterious object is known to have a height of about 45 meters and was found by an astronomer from Arizona State University. What does it look like and what is the origin of this mysterious object?

1. Scientists believe that the fragment comes from the fragment of a collision that occurred about 500 million years ago

Mysterious object that is thought to be similar to Pluto. (Twitter.com/fcain)

Reporting from The GuardianAstronomers from Arizona State University have reported the existence of strange objects measuring 45 meters high and appearing to be made of frozen nitrogen, such as the surface of Pluto and Neptune’s largest moon, Triton. Scientists and authors of the study, Alan Jackson and Steven Desch, suggest that a collision hit a large part of the icy-cold nitrogen-covered planet about 500 million years ago and sent the chunks out of their own star systems and into Earth’s existing star systems.

The remaining reddish color is believed to be part of its original self in which the outer layer is evaporated by cosmic radiation and the sun. Naming the object Oumuamua, which uses the Hawaiian word for scout, is meant to honor the observatory in Hawaii that discovered it in 2017. Only visible as a point of light millions of miles away, it can be sure to come from outside the solar system on Earth because its speed and path indicate it is not orbiting the sun or anything.

2. Some think that Oumuamua is alien technology

The appearance of Oumuamua, a mysterious object close to EarthMysterious object that is thought to be similar to Pluto. (Twitter.com/SkyandTelescope)

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Although Oumuamua’s similar nature was quickly recognized, the inability to immediately describe it in detail led to speculation that it was part of alien technology, such as in the recently published book “Extraterrestrial: The First Signs of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” by Avi Loeb of Harvard University. This has sparked a public debate about the scientific method and the responsibility of scientists not to draw unwarranted conclusions.

The presence of Oumuamua has given scientists a special opportunity to view the exoplanet in a way they have never analyzed before. As more and more objects like Oumuamua are discovered and studied, scientists can continue to broaden their understanding of what other planetary systems look like and how they are similar to, or different from, the solar system we have studied so far.

3.When Oumuamua is closest to Earth, Oumuamua is 6 times larger than its thickness.

The appearance of Oumuamua, a mysterious object close to EarthMysterious object that is thought to be similar to Pluto. (Twitter.com/MartinHajovsky)

When Oumuamua is at its closest distance to Earth, it seems that Oumuamua is 6 times its width. According to Desch, these resemble cracked biscuits or wafers. Today, it is long gone and is beyond the orbit of Uranus, which is more than 3.2 billion km away and too small for even the Hubble Space Telescope to see.

As a result, scientists need to rely on genuine observations and hopefully refine their analysis. Desch added that when objects begin to leave the solar system around 2040 their ratio of width to thickness will drop to 10 to 1. He also said it is likely that Oumuamua will have a consistent shape like a cookie biscuit when viewed, but will become flatter like a pancake.

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