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The appearance of a suspect in the murder of drug dealers in West Jakarta


The police have uncovered the case murder a man with the initials SM (49) in Tambora, West Jakarta. The victim, known as a drug dealer, was killed by his fellow dealers and dealers. This is what the suspects look like.

There are four suspects who have been arrested by the police in this case. The four are Danu Pratama (24), Ahmad Abdillah alias Dilla (27), Ashari alias Raul (33), and Juli (33).

Victims and perpetrators apparently joined in a drug syndicates. The syndicate is led by an actor named Danu Pratama, who has the status of a drug dealer.



“We managed to secure 4 people who committed the murder, between the perpetrators and the victim were a drug syndicate,” said West Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit AKBP Joko Dwi Harsono in a written statement to reporters Friday (9/7/2022).

The police arrested Ashari as a dealer in the murder of a man in West Jakarta. (Doc. Special)

Joko said the investigation into the case had not yet been completed. He said there were still four perpetrators who were still being chased by the police.

Victim Accused of Being a Police Informant

The perpetrators had the heart to kill the victim after mistaking the SM victim as an informant from the police so that the drug transaction process carried out by the syndicate often failed.

“The perpetrator is considered to have provided information about the distribution of narcotics by his group to the police,” said Joko.

The victim was tortured to death covered in blood. He was stabbed in the back of the ear to penetrate the brain.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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