The decision of the appeals chamber of the Court for the Repression of Economic and Financial Offenses (CRIEF) fell this Thursday, November 16, 2023.
Former President Amadou Damaro Camara, prosecuted for embezzlement of 15 billion GNF, has just benefited from conditional release from the appeals chamber, after that which had been ordered by the CRIEF trial chamber.
« The court orders the release of Amadou Damaro Camara accompanied by the payment of one billion Guinean francs as bail. And dismisses the parties from the torture of their claim »said the President of the Court Noël Koulémou, in his decision rendered during today’s hearing.
In front of journalists, the lawyer of the former President of the National Assembly, Me Santiba Kouyaté, declared to the press that his client, who has been hospitalized in the Sino-Guinean hospital for months, will be free this Thursday.
Mamadou Samba Barry