They were there too, last night, at the Avs party in Rome. From the stage, the representatives of the association ‘Italians without citizenship’, advanced their request – already anticipated by the secretary of +Europa, Richard Magi – to opposition leaders, Elly Schlein, Giuseppe Conte, Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli: support the collection of signatures for the referendum to repeal the current citizenship law.
The group of activists for a reform of the law interrupted the debate between the leaders of the broad field organized on the occasion of the first national party of the Green and Left Alliance in Rome. When Elly Schlein took the floor, two demonstrators approached the stage showing a t-shirt with a message in support of the referendum just launched by several associations. They were then invited to go up on stage and Annalisa Ramon was able to launch an appeal to all the parties present – Pd, Avs, Movimento 5 Stelle and +Europa – so that they can support the referendum, promoted by various civil society organizations and parties, in addition to the parties +Europa, Possibile, Partito Socialista Italiano, Radicali italiani, Rifondazione Comunista.
“Italians after 5 years with residency and income”. The challenge of the referendum
by Giovanna Casadio

The associations Italians without citizenship, CoNNGI, Idem Network, DallaParteGiustadellaStoria, also addressed their appeal to all those people, networks, associations, and political parties who “believe that we can no longer wait to change the law on citizenship. The current law, written in 1992, was designed for a changed Italy, which has now grown. Because in the meantime, our country has been enriched with people, families, and stories that have made the idea of Italy even more exceptional. We are Italians, still today, deprived of a right that is also ours: that of having our Italian citizenship recognized – we read in the statement-appeal – Italy is our home and no one can accuse us of being abusive guests. We are the daughters and sons of a story that began years ago, but that today cannot continue to ignore our presence”.
The referendum question proposes to reduce from 10 to 5 the years of legal and continuous residence in Italy to be able to apply for citizenship for oneself and one’s minor children, aligning itself with what already happens in large European countries and as happened in Italy before 1992. “This change would not only reduce waiting times for those who live, study and work legally in Italy, but would allow them to finally be recognized as Italian citizens in all respects”, it continues.
Hence the appeal of the associations of new Italians to civil society and the political world to sign the referendum. “With your signature you can say Yes to Italy that recognizes all its sons and daughters. By September 30, we must collect 500,000 signatures online to call the #ReferendumCittadinanza. We ask you to support with conviction and without hesitation this collection of signatures on”.
For further information
#appeal #associations #Italians #civil #society #politics #Sign #referendum #Italy #changed #law
– 2024-09-13 16:37:55