03 August 2023 08:51
The appeal of the Oscar-winning actress guest at the Magna Graecia Film Festival in Catanzaro, where she held a public masterclass
Photogallery – Susan Sarandon awarded in Catanzaro
Susan Sarandon is in Catanzaro where she was awarded the Golden Column for Lifetime Achievement at the Arena at the Magna Graecia Film Festival. The Oscar winner, in the masterclass open to the public, spoke of the strike of American actors, of women in Hollywood and also of the ongoing war. The actress, who has Italian origins (Crescione is the surname of her mother originally from Ragusa), made a heartfelt appeal: “I’ve been trying to get Italian citizenship for some time, but I can’t. I also drink coffee, I had also a daughter from an Italian (Franco Amurri, ed), what else should I do? I also have all the documentation in order but they tell me that I won’t go back for two years, I’m too old: I hope someone can help me”.
The offer of the Governor of Calabria “The famous American actress Susan Sarandon has a great desire: she would like Italian citizenship. In this regard, we have applied to give her ‘Calabrian citizenship'”, wrote the president of the Calabria Region, Roberto Occhiuto, in a post on his Facebook profile . Occhiuto met the Oscar-winning actress after the press conference in Catanzaro.
On the actors’ strike At 76 Susan Sarandon does not deny herself, she is more than ever the pasionaria of Hollywood, and she is even more so today when WGA actors and Sag-Aftra screenwriters have been on strike since May 2 for fair pay and against the ever-present threat more concrete than artificial intelligence. “Hollywood is not politics, it’s just about making money. It’s only about money. Bette Davis fought against the contract system at the time of the blacklist, there were then many actors against fascism in the United States, against McCarthy, all people who were then punished. In short, Hollywood is capitalism and today it is more so than ever”. And again the actress: “The actors are no longer able to live. For the actors union you have to earn 26 thousand dollars a year to have health care. Now 87% do not reach it and this also applies to those who work in series And what about the Studios which, thanks to artificial intelligence, subject the actors to a scan of their own bodies, thus becoming owners of their image”.
Give it to Hollywood When asked if anything has changed for women in Hollywood, Susan Sarandon explains: “Compared to the past today there are certainly many women who have the power to produce women’s stories in Hollywood, but still if you are not a straight white male it is not never the same thing. In terms of earnings, none of this counts, there is still a big difference between what a man and a woman receives”.
About the war Instead, speaking of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the Oscar winner for “Dead Man Walking” (1996), in the meeting moderated by Silvia Bizio and with the presence of the artistic director of the festival, Gianvito Casadonte, underlined: “I am against any war . In this case it is a proxy war that began long before the violation of the Minsk agreements. Today NATO seems to me a little too out of control. We need to reach negotiations as soon as possible regarding this conflict which seems to be made only to weaken Russia in order to thus also hitting China. I am however desperate for the many deaths that this war causes every day”.
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2023-08-04 11:44:24
#Italian #citizenship