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The Apollo 11 mission to the Moon was in danger of ending life on Earth

Both members of the NASA team are currently senior astronauts. Clover has carried out two space missions since arriving at the space station in November. This is the third time.

Robbins previously made his first orbit in space on the space station in 2016, so this is also his third time.

If Sunday space travel sounds better than previous space travels – especially considering what happened over the weekend – that’s fine. But Kenny Todd, deputy director of the International Space Station program, said at a press conference Wednesday: “This is not a real project from Monday to Friday.”

Robbins and Clover will prepare for upcoming Solar Kit upgrades by integrating and installing modifiers.

While the current solar power station lines still perform better, they are a shame. This defect is estimated to be only 15 years old and appeared in December 2000 – so it is said to have exceeded the warranty period.

The new solar panels will be placed in front of six existing stations by the end of this year, which will increase the production power from 160 kilowatts to 215 kilowatts, NASA said. The launch of solar panels to the space station aboard the SpaceX spacecraft will begin in June.

In outer space, Robin will be Crew Member 1 in the red striped suit and Crew Clover 2 in the striped suit.

Robins will travel with astronaut Sochi Nokuchi on March 5 to complete a number of tasks, including removing ammonia from the initial ammonia system, replacing the radio video transmitter and receiver assembly, and installing “amplifiers” in the room. Thermal blanket. Search. This will prevent the lid from bursting as the atmosphere escapes each time the hole is opened.

This is the flight number. History of Station 235.

From Earth to Outer Space

Earlier this week, Vice President Kamala Harris telephoned Glover On the space station.-

Harris said, “Victor, nice to meet you. You really made history. We are very proud of you. ”

Clover is the first African-American to lead a long-term space station mission around laboratory history.

During their conversation, Harris and Clover discussed who came before Clover and pushed him away.

“I thought a lot about work,” said Clover. “The seven people here are part of an extraordinary human extraterrestrial tradition. This is a time we have to celebrate, we should respect it the most, but what excites me the most is the future of human space travel and it will be the future. To do. “

Harris agrees. “My mother used to tell me, ‘Kamala, you may have done a lot from the start. Make sure you are not the last.

When asked about the first two space missions and their perspectives on Earth, Harris said he would follow advice from fellow team members: “Keep your world small, keep your focus on what’s in front of you and slowly expand. . Cosmic vision. “

When Clover first saw Earth while in space, he said he wanted to have fun watching it for hours on end. But he is focused on the many tasks ahead, and the place is “busy and beautiful”.

Clover spoke about how fragile the Earth is from outer space, especially its thin atmosphere and “how important human life is on this planet”.

“I want to do everything in my power to protect it,” said Clover.

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