Home » today » World » The apocalyptic scenario of the American colonel – 2024-04-13 11:46:24

The apocalyptic scenario of the American colonel – 2024-04-13 11:46:24

/ world today news/ Douglas McGregor calls on Western fools to look for ways to compromise with Russia

Douglas McGregor is a retired US Army colonel, military theorist and planner of some of America’s largest military operations. He was one of Donald Trump’s associates and held various positions in his administration. It’s called “The Pentagon Advisor.” After Biden’s victory, the Democrats pushed the colonel out of all official positions. He became a consultant on military-political issues and a television commentator.

Recently, Douglas McGregor has begun to move away from analyzing only military issues. Today he is already considered a broad expert and analyst, his reviews and forecasts can be called “systemic”, they cover military, political, economic, financial and informational issues.

Douglas McGregor’s statements and comments cannot help but irritate the current US Democratic administration. Consider, for example, the November 17 statement by a retired colonel about the situation in Ukraine. “We armed the Ukrainians to the teeth and said: guys, come on, we are with you until the end. It didn’t work and they were crushed. Today, Russia is much stronger than it was two years ago. I certainly wouldn’t want to fight them’, he wrote on the social network X (formerly Twitter). And McGregor further emphasized that the Russian Federation has much more opportunities to fight the Western world, calling for reconciliation with Russia.

However, the most resonant statement in recent years was the retired colonel’s statement on November 7 this year on The People’s Voice channel. American and foreign media published the main points of McGregor’s sensational performance in their publications.

Here, for example, is the article “US General Admits Global Elite Planning Global Financial Crash, ‘There Will Be No 2024 Election'” published on The People’s Voice website. in 2024″/.

It is clear from the very title of the article that McGregor predicts the cancellation of the presidential elections in 2024. He also reveals the plans of the world elite to organize a global financial collapse. Now a little more about these predictions.

Colonel McGregor says that “soon there will be a sudden shutdown of all major US banks orchestrated by the globalist elite, the banks will be closed for at least three weeks” and after this “the Biden administration will declare martial law and cancel the presidential election,” scheduled for November 2024

The financial crisis in the US and in the world is inevitable in any case. The disparity in the economy and finance of the New and Old Worlds became too great. Public and private debts are growing rapidly. State budgets increasingly rely on borrowing through government bonds.

Government debt servicing costs in budgets will soon become a major budget item. The increase in key interest rates by the US Federal Reserve and the central banks of other Western countries leads to a depreciation of the assets of the banks, which for a decade (after the global financial crisis) accumulated low-yielding securities (at that time the key interest rates of the central banks were close to zero or even had negative values).

This spring, a number of fairly large American banks collapsed for this reason. The growth of the banking crisis was stopped. But the monetary authorities will not be able to maintain the status quo in the US banking sector for long.

Serious experts and analysts predict that the financial crisis in the US, and then in Europe and other countries, is inevitable. Moreover, it will be incomparably more severe than the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. The “Masters of Money” (the main shareholders of the US Federal Reserve) are aware that they should not wait for the financial crisis like the good weather by the sea.

It is much more reasonable to act proactively and provoke the onset of a crisis. After, of course, you have prepared in advance for this operation in order to get the maximum profit from it (or at least minimize the losses).

The provoked banking crisis in the US will lead to gigantic losses for tens of millions of ordinary citizens and social unrest in the country. The publication The People’s Voice points out that in the last century, central banks were “forced nation-states to borrow huge sums to ensure that once this collapse began, a domino effect would be created around the world.”

The Democrats and the “deep state” expect to be able to control the growing chaos in the country. And the measures will be primarily forceful. It will all end with the imposition of a “state of emergency” and the cancellation of the 2024 presidential election.

However, if the financial crisis is not enough to impose martial law in the United States, the Democrats and the “deep state” have other means up their sleeves.

For example, the United States can declare war on a country, and that war will become the basis for imposing martial law.

You can repeat the experiment in the spirit of “Covid-19” and put all citizens into quarantine ghettos and subject the economy to lockout and lockdown.

You can also provoke some major man-made or natural disaster. Most often, experts remember the dormant volcano in Yellowstone National Park. Today there are already technologies that make it possible to “wake up” dormant volcanoes. If the mentioned volcano “wakes up”, it, according to experts, could destroy half of America. The Yellowstone volcano is worse than nuclear weapons. There will be a real apocalypse here. It is clear that in the event of a volcanic eruption, America will not have time for a presidential election.

It is now clear to everyone in America that there are no “competitive” Democratic candidates for next year’s presidential election. Although Biden has been announced as a candidate, he is not considered a real participant in the presidential race. Biden’s dementia is progressing, so he can be removed from the presidential race for reasons unrelated to politics or even violations of American laws (scandalous stories of corruption related to Biden’s son). Keeping Biden as a candidate would only improve the chances of Donald Trump (and other Republican candidates).

In social networks and in the opposition media, discussions are going on to what genre the “revelations” of the American colonel should be classified. One option is a forecast compiled by a serious analyst who takes many factors into account.

Another possible option is that he publishes inside information. And the American colonel has enough sources of information both in the Pentagon and in other departments. In my view, McGregor’s statements are a combination of both options.

Of course, it can be assumed that McGregor simply decided to increase his rating by expressing ill-conceived and unverified information of a sensational nature. But I’ve been following McGregor for a few years now. Apparently, he is not one of those who chases cheap popularity.

Surprisingly, the apocalyptic predictions of the American colonel are to a very high degree consistent with the prophecies and predictions of other authors, both American and foreign experts.

First of all, the prediction of the “Sleeping Prophet”, Edgar Cayce, comes to mind. He is widely known in America among ordinary citizens, as well as among politicians and political scientists, who often refer to Casey to explain certain political events. So who is Edgar Cayce?

In biographical dictionaries and reference books, he is portrayed as an American mystic, medium, and even “healer.” Years of life: 1877-1945. Without going into details, I will say that already at the very beginning of the twentieth century, our hero discovered the ability to receive “revelations from above”. Gradually, the abilities manifested themselves more and more clearly, and the number of “revelations” increased rapidly.

From mid-1943 to mid-1944 alone, Casey conducted more than one and a half thousand sessions of communication with mysterious “informants.” Casey left several thousand stenographer-written responses (called readings) to a wide variety of questions. Starting from diagnoses of diseases and prescriptions for patients, and ending up with photos from the history of ancient civilizations, as well as photos of all kinds of cataclysms on a global or American scale.

Casey received all the “revelations” in a trance-like state. For this reason he was nicknamed the Sleeping Prophet. The first biographer of the Sleeping Prophet was Thomas Sugrue, who wrote the book The River of Life. The Story of the Great Seer Edgar Cayce” (published during Cayce’s lifetime in 1943; in 2018 it was published in Russia in Russian).

I have written about the Sleeping Prophet many times. Moreover, in the context of the US presidential elections. We’re talking about Casey’s next “prophecy”: America’s 44th president will be the last. Thomas Sugrue and other biographers of the Sleeping Prophet describe this “revelation” as follows: Casey saw in a dream a long corridor in which there were many rooms. Each room represented the reign of a particular American president. Casey walked through 44 rooms, all of which contained reminders of successive presidents. When he looked into the last room, the 45th, it was empty. And Casey was informed that there would be no 45th president, the 44th president of the United States would be the last…

By the way, in the headquarters of the Trump campaign in 2019-2020, Casey’s prophecy was taken into account. After all, if Trump were re-elected, he would remain the 44th president and the existence of Pax Americana would be extended. But if his opponent wins, he will be the 45th president.

Joe Biden became the 45th president, but Trump supporters and Casey fans say Biden is just a blank spot, a hole in space. You can’t call him president. Great America is over with Trump, with the 44th president.

If we abstract from the cheap mysticism to which the average American is very prone (and which Republican politicians have embraced), then it must be said that America’s future is very dark indeed. And Colonel Douglas McGregor’s predictions are well founded.

And here’s another “predator” of America’s near future, this time from the Old World. This is the famous financier and writer Jacques Attali. A prediction about America can be found in his famous book A Brief History of the Future (first published in 2006). In it, Attali provides a panorama of the future world up to the middle of the twenty-first century.

According to Jacques Attali, the first half of this century fits into five stages (or “waves”). When the author of the book is asked under what genre his work should be classified (science fiction, utopia, dystopia, etc.), he smiles slyly and says: it is “designing the future”.

Given that Jacques Attali is a person closely related to the Rothschild clan, it can be assumed that the author of the book voices the plans and projects of this clan. I will not recount all five stages (“waves”) of the future history of mankind. I will only mention the first stage, which is described in detail in Chapter 3, “The First Wave of the Future: The End of the American Empire’.

From the very title of the chapter, it follows that according to Rothschild’s plans (and probably other “money lords”), America will lose its superpower status. And this must happen before the end of the current decade (most often Attali in his book calls 2025 a milestone).

In his public statements after 2020, Attali directly stated that the decline of the American empire began from the moment the 45th President Joe Biden came to the White House and began to purposefully (at the behest of the “money masters”) destroy the United States . Jacques Attali’s prediction of America’s decline is coming true; Global restructuring is progressing even ahead of schedule.

That being said, Douglas McGregor’s prediction (or prophecy) about America’s near future does not seem like some kind of sensationalism or fantasy. All the predictions and prophecies that I know of about the coming collapse of the American empire converge at roughly one point in time – 2024-2025.

Translation: ES

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