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The antivirus will not run. The carmakers also expect the promised wage support in vain

“Since there will be no economic downturn at the moment, there is no reason to run Antivirus,” said Jana Maláčová (CSSD), Minister of Labor and Social Affairs in resignation. “If necessary, we can run it in one hour. We have experienced it, it is proven, everyone agrees that Antivirus is the best functioning government program, “she added, adding that the European Commission has agreed to a possible extension of the program until the middle of next year. The Kurarbeit law, approved by the government many months ago, has still not received notification from the commission and cannot begin to work, even if it is a more permanent and predictable scheme.

The government has so far failed to provide support for the automotive industry, which it promised to deliver money from the Antivirus program more than a month ago. In October, the Cabinet reacted to the several-week closure of Škoda Auto’s production and thus the paralysis of the entire industry. “We are still waiting for the European Commission’s statement on competition. In the meantime, however, Škoda Auto has started. It turns out that the commission is not very flexible, “said Maláčová. The minister was unable to say whether the government would support the car industry at all, if the commission allowed it.

The trade unions are now calling for the launch of the Antivirus program, which provides compensation to employees from closed or limited enterprises. According to them, many companies will not achieve the three compensation programs mentioned by the outgoing Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček (YES). According to Havlíček, only companies with a drop in turnover of 50 percent should be entitled to the subsidy; unions demand that the condition be reduced to 30 percent. In such a case, however, according to Havlíček, the support will not be as high as before.

In the Covid 2021 program, entrepreneurs were entitled to a contribution of 500 crowns per employee and day of limitation, with Covid Uncovered Costs they received assistance for up to 60 percent of uncovered costs. At the spring closing of the economy, entrepreneurs asked for a total of 16.4 billion crowns in both programs. Self-employed people added demands for another more than 14 billion crowns.

However, more extensive compensation is also hindered by the tight state budget, which the future government of Petr Fiala (ODS) wants to reduce. Due to the deficit management, according to Havlíček’s probable successor Věslav Michalik (STAN), any support will be financed by another debt. “The government has been running an enormous deficit for a long time and the loose fiscal policy is making a significant contribution to inflation,” said Michalik, who said that all programs for entrepreneurs must be well considered.

A number of stricter measures are to take effect from Monday. Although the government did not decide to close any shops, services or schools, it severely limited the lives of unvaccinated people. When entering restaurants, hairdressers, hotels or sports grounds, people will no longer be able to prove themselves with a negative test, but only with vaccinations or illnesses. A week ago, restaurateurs reported a drop in sales of tens of percent due to the need to control infectivity, companies are also canceling Christmas parties on a large scale.

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