Home » Health » The anti-obesity drug Wegovy available in France: this “revolutionary” treatment soon in Belgium?

The anti-obesity drug Wegovy available in France: this “revolutionary” treatment soon in Belgium?

What are the differences between Ozempic and Wegovy?

“Ozempic is now available in Belgium, but the conditions of use are restricted: in the case of very specific diabetes with a BMI greater than 30. But as the diabetic population is large in our country, this still represents a high number of prescriptions”souligne Xavier Vandemergel.

The active ingredient of Ozempic and Wegovy is identical. A first difference lies in the dosage. “As Wegovy is more dosed, this increases its effectiveness”specifies the diabetologist. And the indications are not the same. Ozempic was initially intended to treat type 2 diabetes while Wegovy was specifically developed to treat people suffering from obesity or overweight (BMI between 27 and 30) who have at least one other risk factor. health risks, such as hypertension, sleep apnea or excess cholesterol. “The number of potential patients is very high, especially in industrialized countries. The potential market is therefore enormous. indicates the diabetologist.

No wonder then that these drugs are panicking the pharmaceutical sector and fueling the hopes of millions of patients suffering from diabetes or obesity. But are these new generation treatments, popularized by stars like Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian, really effective? Can we speak of a therapeutic revolution?

It’s a revolution

“There have already been many other drugs that have been withdrawn from the market due to worrying side effects. But these drugs are the first to use a molecule that demonstrates its effectiveness. It’s a revolution,” assure Xavier Vandemergel.

The results of Wegovy are indeed quite impressive: namely an average weight loss of 15% after 68 weeks. Possible side effects include nausea, vomiting or gastrointestinal upset. “Up to 30 to 40% of patients suffer from these effects which are not serious. They can be reduced by lowering the dose, for example. On the other hand, 15% of patients can no longer continue because they are intolerant. specifies the endocrinologist.

After France, Belgium?

The European Medicines Authority (EMA) authorized the marketing of Wegovy in early 2022 for the management of obesity in adults and since 2023 for children over 12 years old. It is marketed in many countries, such as the United States, Germany, Spain, Great Britain and Switzerland. At the beginning of October, the anti-obesity drug was launched on the market in France, but within a very strict framework. A prescription from a specialist doctor is necessary and the access conditions are strict. In particular, patients must have a BMI greater than or equal to 35 and be under 65 years old. Furthermore, there are no refunds. The price of the treatment is estimated between 9 and 12 euros per day.

And in Belgium? Will this drug appear in our pharmacies? According to the Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP), it is up to the Danish firm to take the steps. “Wegovy has obtained marketing authorization at European level. But before marketing, a price and/or reimbursement terms must be agreed at the national level. In Belgium, it is the FPS Economy which is responsible for the price of medicines and the INAMI for their reimbursement arrangements. It is the company which must submit a file to these competent authorities”details spokesperson Ann Eeckhoudt.

It is up to the Danish company to request marketing

According to the spokesperson for the FPS Finances, Novo Nordisk has submitted a file to set a price in 2022, but it is not yet marketed. “We just know that it will be non-refundable and issued on prescription. But it is up to the Danish company to request marketing.” explains Etienne Mignolet.

“Belgium is perhaps not an interesting market for the Danish manufacturer. Especially since global demands are growing and it must try to take over production,” souligne Xavier Vandemergel.. “In any case, if it is marketed here, it would have to be regulated with strict conditions.” he believes.

There are excesses under the influence of Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian

To avoid diversion for aesthetic purposes, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) in France requires that the taking of this medication be supervised by professionals and that it be used in combination with a hypocaloric diet and a physical activity.

“It is obviously intended for certain diabetics or obese people, but there are deviations under the influence of Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian. We are already seeing patients who are 3 kilos overweight who come to see us to obtain Ozempic. With the potential arrival of Wegovy, this will amplify the phenomenon. craint Xavier Vandemergel.

Many doctors are worried about the uncontrolled use of these treatments presented as magic drugs.”There are already counterfeits being sold on the internet. It’s like drug trafficking, it’s amazing.”deplores the specialist. According to him, taking such a medication without medical supervision can be problematic.

As soon as the patient stops the medication, there is a weight regain

For specialists, treatment alone is not enough. Comprehensive management of obesity is essential.”This molecule makes it easy to lose weight without frustration, but you also need to change your behavior, your lifestyle and in particular adopt regular physical activity. As soon as the patient stops the medication, there is a weight regain. underlines the specialist. Studies show that if treatment is interrupted, patients gain weight again.

Also read

Pfizer is working on a competing version of Ozempic

And research continues in the laboratories. According to Xavier Vandemergel, new drugs will soon arrive on the market.”Wegovy will quickly be overwhelmed. In two years, it’s over. New, even more efficient molecules will arrive. indicates the diabetologist.

In the United States, the Eli Lilly laboratory recently developed the tirzepatide molecule. And two new drug names have already appeared: Mounjaro and Zepbound. It must be said that these expensive treatments have become real gooses that lay the golden eggs for the pharmaceutical companies marketing them.

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