Home » today » World » The anti-colonial struggle for a multipolar world – 2024-09-17 11:46:55

The anti-colonial struggle for a multipolar world – 2024-09-17 11:46:55

/View.info/ Text of a speech at the Global Forum on Multipolarity, April 29, 2023

Dear friends and associates!

I would like to thank the Brazilian organization Nova Resistencia, the Turkish Initiative for a New International Order, the International Eurasian Movement of Russia, the Forum of Chinese Thinkers and the International Movement of Russophiles for organizing today’s Global Conference on Multipolarity and for inviting me to share some thoughts on one of the themes of the conference “Fighting Neocolonialism in a Multipolar World”.

The most important thing in the current situation is that the conditions are ripe for the final solution of this historical problem through the creation of a truly multipolar or plurapolar world, the foundation and core of which will be independence.

At the dawn of the twentieth century, the great African-American scholar and revolutionary William DuBois said that the defining question of the coming century would be what he called “the color line’. And his speech came just a few years after the European colonial powers gathered in Berlin to divide the African continent among themselves, as they usually do.

By this Dubois means the struggle of oppressed nations and peoples for their liberation, a struggle characteristic of the twentieth century. The revolution of 1917 that led to the creation of the Soviet Union was the first major turning point in the anti-colonial struggle. For the first time, a great world power emerged, unreservedly committed to the struggle to achieve the freedom of colonial peoples.

When the imperialist powers once again plunged the world into war for the redistribution of colonies, the Soviet Union and its Red Army played the decisive role in the anti-fascist fight for democracy.

After the historic defeat of fascism came the victory of the Chinese revolution, which had a profound impact on the global balance of power.

The founding of the People’s Republic of China, the independence of India, the revolutions in Korea and Vietnam, and the Afro-Asian Conference of 1955 in the Indonesian city of Bandung are among the most important factors in creating a new reality in which the preservation of the old colonial empires in the form in which they have existed until now is becoming increasingly untenable.

Even in spite of the tragic and irreconcilable contradictions, the existence of the socialist camp was the greatest support and support for the struggle against colonialism, which swept like a wave the countries of Africa and Asia, the Caribbean and the South Pacific and even Europe, as seen in particular by the struggle of the Irish people. Although decolonization is not yet officially complete, hundreds of millions of people have achieved their national independence and have begun to struggle to build a new society.

However, this struggle turns out to be no less difficult than the struggle for official independence.

Just as Lenin defined imperialism as the highest degree of capitalism, so the first president of Ghana, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah Osagyefo, defined neo-colonialism as the highest degree of imperialism.

And just as the existence of the socialist camp provided the greatest support for the cause of winning national independence and building a new society, so the collapse of the Soviet Union in particular was the greatest obstacle, giving a temporary new start to colonialism and imperialism in the lives of humanity.

And by no means “the peace dividends”, the “new world order”, and then the alleged “rules-based international order”, that we were promised marked a new period of colonial wars in Afghanistan and Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya, Syria and Somalia, among others, causing chaos, destruction and suffering in these countries and beyond.

But three factors in particular contributed to the fact that the triumph of the imperialists proved to be fleeting:

  • The People’s Republic of China, without changing its class character, has deepened its socialist orientation and continues its steady rise, maintaining its chances of overtaking the United States as the world’s largest economy, something not seen for more than a century.

  • Beginning with the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and led by the great example of socialist Cuba, Latin America, which the United States had for centuries considered its backyard, handed down from generation to generation, came to the fore in the global struggle for independence and social progress. President Lula’s return to Brazil also greatly accelerated this process.

It can be said that today at the state level, anti-colonial forces have never been so strong and united. And it is precisely for this reason that imperialism responded with “new cold war”directed in particular against Russia and China. And indeed, imperialism hides more than the fact that it is openly at war with Russia.

These forces are represented in particular by the US-led NATO alliance.

Today, once again, the multinational people of Russia are at the forefront of the struggle for civilization and against barbarism. I have no doubt that, as in 1945, they will be victorious.

Thanks for your attention.

Translation: ES

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