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The antechamber of lung cancer could be this symptom that many mistake for muscle pain

Lung cancer is among the most dangerous, but unfortunately also among the most difficult to diagnose in time. In fact, in the initial stages the disease is often asymptomatic. This is why it is important to be able to recognize even the often ignored signals. In particular, be careful because the antechamber of lung cancer can be this symptom that many mistake for muscle pain.

A dangerous disease

Lung cancer is among the leading causes of death in Italy and, more generally, in all industrialized countries. Suffice it to say that even one in 10 men is at risk of contracting this disease and one in 11 could risk dying from it.

The percentages are lower for women: 1 in 35 women are at risk of lung cancer, it can be fatal for 1 in 45 women. However, the incidence for women is unfortunately increasing. The main cause is the habit of smoking cigarettes, which is increasingly common even among women.

Fortunately, there is a pretty simple way to drastically reduce your risk of getting sick: quit smoking. Non-smokers are in fact 14 times less at risk of contracting lung cancer. In addition, it is important to exercise and eat a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Finally, pay attention to the symptoms that can be a wake-up call.

The antechamber of lung cancer could be this symptom that many mistake for muscle pain

If the shoulder hurts, we tend to think it is a muscle problem. Maybe a tear or a cold shot. In most cases, there is nothing to worry about. However, if the pain persists, it may be worth contacting a doctor.

As the experts of the Veronesi Foundationin fact, shoulder pain could be a symptom of lung cancer. This can happen when the tumor develops on the apex of the lung, which is the upper cone of the lung. In this case, the tumor could compress the brachial plexus, causing not only shoulder pain, but also circulation problems and arm paresis.

Therefore, be careful not to ignore these symptoms, nor those most commonly associated with lung cancer, such as persistent cough, hoarseness and chest pain.


Be careful because almost everyone neglects this symptom but it can be the antechamber of two dangerous tumors.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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