Home » today » World » The answer to the main question: Why does Russia not declare Ukraine a terrorist country – 2024-08-17 21:21:13

The answer to the main question: Why does Russia not declare Ukraine a terrorist country – 2024-08-17 21:21:13

/ world today news/ After the explosion of the Crimean bridge, Dmitry Medvedev said that the homes of Ukrainian terrorists are now a legal target. Few people disagree with this: after all the terrorist attacks on our territory, many see this outcome as the right one. Behind the official recognition of a country as terrorist, however, there are two aspects: legal and political. Read about it in the “Tsarigrad” material.

As you know, if someone is green, croaks, jumps and acts like a frog, it is most likely a frog. In the same way, if someone organizes sabotage on the Crimean bridge, strikes civilian objects with drones and persistently tries to organize “Chernobyl – 2.0” at the nuclear power plant, then this is most likely a terrorist state.

How about declaring Ukraine a terrorist state?

Sanctions and Robbery Etiquette

Kiril Koktish, associate professor from the Department of Political Theory at MGIMO, explained to Tsarigrad the legal side of the issue:

“This is probably not done because there are no tools to maintain such a position”.

“After all, declaring someone a terrorist state implies some political, economic and military measures against them. And they have to agree with the allies, otherwise it will come out that they declared, but we can’t do anything,” he added.

Recall: after the adoption by the European Parliament of a resolution recognizing Russia as a “state sponsor of terrorism”, an idea appeared in our political circles to recognize Ukraine as a terrorist state.

However, the Foreign Ministry declined to do so, noting that Russia has always criticized such behavior by Western countries, which occasionally use the label “terrorist regime” or “state sponsor of terrorism” to designate competitors in order to justify unilateral coercive measures and sanctions imposed on them.

The decision to recognize a country as a sponsor of terrorism has certain consequences. Chief among them are sanctions against those who trade in it, as well as the ability to withdraw the country’s reserves and foreign property with impunity.

Thus, the United States added four countries to the list of state sponsors of terrorism: Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria.

The Americans and their vassals then imposed sanctions on them under various pretexts. Although these countries, originating from neither the US nor Europe, did not blow up anything, they did not take hostages. At the expense of which Washington itself has applied all kinds of terrorist measures against these countries – and nothing!

Ukraine is also there

By the way, the Verkhovna Rada recognized Russia as a terrorist state already in May last year. It really is a whose-cow-goes-the-biggest-type question.

This is followed by the parliaments of Latvia, Estonia, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, as well as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and similar structures. What of this? Are we hot or cold? Yeah, we didn’t notice.

And a long time ago, various sanctions were imposed on us at the behest of the US. And again we see that the most reasonable explanation for labeling a country as a terrorist is the reason for seizing foreign assets and then tearing them apart.

By the way, the US State Department stopped short of labeling us as terrorists. It’s just that the sanctions imposed on Russia have ended. And they were equivalent to the consequences of being a state sponsor of terrorism.

We have already squeezed 500 billion out of them

Yes, during WWI the Kiev regime committed many gross violations of international humanitarian law: terrorist attacks on civilian infrastructure, shelling of civilians, hostage-taking, use of “human shields”, torture and extrajudicial killings of prisoners of war. Which gives all the grounds to declare Ukraine a terrorist state.

OK, we’ll announce. What’s next? Will we introduce sanctions against the Independent? The whole West is helping her. Are we going to confiscate property? She has almost no assets – only debts.

In addition, the Central Bank has already banned foreign investors (helpers of Ukraine) from withdrawing funds from our financial system. And that is more than 500 billion dollars.

Further on. Should we condemn Ukraine from international tribunes? But they have turned a blind eye to the slaughter of civilians for so many years that it doesn’t bother them at all. So in the end it turns out that all the steam will go to the whistle.

Have you forgotten about the peace talks?

To declare a country terrorist is to declare all its citizens as terrorists. This means that its citizens, its army and everything related to it will be fought like the one fought against the terrorists.

As you can see, not everything is so simple, considering that in the same Kharkiv, Zaporozhye, Odessa, as you know, there are many supporters of the Russian world. It was they who went on mass protests in 2014, were poisoned with tear gas, beaten with batons and tortured in basements.

And they, like the residents of Mariupol, switched to a long wait. And now they are forced to sit and remain silent, although many of them stood up to Nazism and went to fight on the side of the LDPR.

What of this?

There is still a way out. Do not cut through the air with angry protests, but go from words to deeds, so that it will be as Dmitry Medvedev wrote on his public page:

“Look for and eliminate accomplices, abandoning the tasteless idea of ​​a trial against them. But the main thing is to destroy the top leadership of terrorist formations, in whatever crevices these insects hide.”

Also, the Deputy Chairman of our Security Council said in his post that “terrorists only understand the language of force”. A completely adequate answer will be obtained, without any shortcuts and legal niceties. Only victory!

Translation: SM

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