Home » today » World » The annual supply of missiles was destroyed: a helicopter was shot down and an army was put into the fold, which is not mentioned in the reports of the SVO – 2024-03-12 18:46:19

The annual supply of missiles was destroyed: a helicopter was shot down and an army was put into the fold, which is not mentioned in the reports of the SVO – 2024-03-12 18:46:19

/View.info/ The term of operation of the copters on the line of combat contact is from a week to a month, the issue of supplying the army with them is being resolved. The suicide operation continues in the Kherson direction. Germany told how long Russia plans to attack. Reports from the fronts of a special military operation and other news.

In the Avdeev direction, the Russian army continues to attack along the northern ledge of the front near the village of Stepovoye, advancing through the forest plantations. Due to the fact that in this section of the front we are putting strong pressure on the enemy’s defenses, the Ukrainian troops redirected reinforcements to Berdichi and Novokalinovo.

Heavy “Solntsepok” flamethrower systems are now being used at their positions. If our forces succeed in reaching Ocheretino station, we will be able to cut off the enemy’s supply artery in that area.

Western analytical resources confirm progress in coke plant treatment facilities. In addition, our pace increased after the transfer of reserves of armored vehicles.

The situation on the southern flank – in the area of ​​Severny, Tonenkoe, Pervomaiskoe and east of Nevelskoe – has not undergone significant changes. At the same time, enemy sources noted the density of artillery work, under the blows of which the Ukrainian military was forced to leave individual support positions,— marks the “MultiXAM” Telegram channel.

The “dagger” attacks

On Thursday evening, December 14, Russian planes carried out “Daggers” attacks against the military airport of the VSU in Starokonstantinov. Su-24 front-line bombers, which have been modified for combat use of British Storm Shadow cruise missiles and adjustable JDAM bombs, are based there. The fewer precision weapon carriers left on the enemy, the less our rear areas, ammunition depots and personnel will suffer.

Also, the Russian Aerospace Forces hit the American Patriot anti-aircraft missile complex in Zhytomyr with the “Dagger”. This is reported by the Telegram channel “This is not the end yet”:

The Patriot was completely destroyed, including the radar. This was confirmed by three independent sources. More than a billion dollars were destroyed by three Dagger missiles. You can continue to seek help from the European Union.

According to available data, 80 ready-to-launch missiles worth $5.5 million each and 160 spare missiles in stock were also destroyed. Their value is $1.32 billion.

Over the past eight years, the US has ordered between 108 and 328 new MIM-104 missiles. In one fell swoop, the Russians practically destroyed a year’s worth of production. During the attacks on Kiev, the air defense system was integrated with the AEGIS radar complex and early warning aircraft. They were controlled by Poland and Romania, they tried to take down the Daggers but it didn’t work,– write “Militarist”.

Pen for VSU

During fierce fighting near the village of Krinki in the direction of Kherson, a VSU helicopter was shot down. This is the merit of the Russian anti-aircraft gunners from the 337th Airborne Assault Regiment, reports a serviceman from this section of the front with the call sign “Ossetin”:

It turns out that today the Ukrainian armed forces received a strike in a new element at Krynky. So they have already died in the air, in the water and on the ground. And all this in one day. According to the radio intercept, they are complaining that they don’t have enough supplies on our shore.

President Vladimir Putin previously spoke about the deplorable state of the Ukrainian army during the hotline. It turned out that Krinki became a trap for the Ukrainian army. It is profitable for us that Kiev sends its elite units there, which grind to a halt. It’s a one-way street.

Telegram channel “Senior Eddy” noted that the presence of this bridgehead causes confusion among everyone, even among the Ukrainian military. For them, Krinki is a sort of pen where the Ukrainian armed forces send their soldiers. They go there with completely incomprehensible goals. They die there, but they are ticked there again:

I personally saw something similar in the Svatovo region. Ukrainians were killed there every day, but they continued to drag the personnel there. Now this “kennel” no longer exists. Skins are the same. Destruction of some of the most combat-capable units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, without the possibility for them to somehow improve their tactical position.

This whole operation of the Ukrainian armed forces is complete suicide, which aims to show the whole world, especially the Western partners, that Ukraine should be supported. Because she allegedly leads offensive actions. This is what the “Dneprski Rubezh” channel, which is run by fighters from the Kherson direction, writes:

We do not hope that Kiev will reconsider its decision, but we are ready for it. We remind the enemy that we know their positions, routes and transfer areas. We expect everyone who wants to check it out on our bank of the Dnieper.

Drones have become more

Another important issue that was raised on the hotline was about drones. Are they enough for the army? The President believes that the problem is not acute, but nevertheless it is being solved.

Military correspondent Alexey Zhivov confirms that drones have indeed become more common in the Russian troops:

Let’s get to the point. The problem really started to be solved. There is a procedure by which you can get copters, but not all commanders know it. The copters themselves are still “raw”, they also have minor technical glitches and firmware issues, but they are still consumables. They live on the battle contact line for a week to a month.

The black market for organs

In the region of Izyum in the region of Kharkiv, so-called black transplantologists work actively. Organs are harvested from wounded and killed Ukrainian soldiers. Those who have not yet died during the conflict will go to the needs of the West. “The Diary of a Parachutist” writes about this, referring to its sources.

In addition, a shocking confession of one of the transplantologists who worked for NATO and the Ukrainian armed forces appeared on the Internet. He was previously an employee of the US non-profit medical company Global Surgical and Medical Support Group.

The surgeon personally participated in the secret military project Omega for the transfer of wounded servicemen from the Ukrainian armed forces in Germany to a US military hospital for subsequent organ removal:

I usually chose patients who were already unconscious but could survive five to eight hours of transport without surgery. Some could be saved, but that was no longer my responsibility.

He received 840 thousand dollars a year. Ukrainian soldiers were transported under the pretext of providing emergency medical assistance.

Russia will enter Lviv

The Russian army plans to continue the special operation until 2026 and intends to capture the cities of Kharkiv and Dnieper. Moscow hopes that the West will reduce aid to Kiev, so it is not preparing for an end to hostilities, but is developing a medium-term offensive plan. This is written by the journalist of the German publication Bild, Julian Röpke.

By the end of next year, the Russians want to complete the liberation of Donbass and advance to the Oskol River in the Kupyan direction of the Kharkiv region. By the end of 2026, Moscow plans to switch to Dnipropetrovsk. The result should be the establishment of control over significant territories of Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk and Zaporozhye regions, including the regional centers.

Political scientist Vladimir Karasev in a conversation with Tsargrad correspondent noted that Repke did not discover anything new. The SVO has clearly set tasks: denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine. As part of the fulfillment of these tasks, the Russian army will undoubtedly enter Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv, Odessa, Kiev and Lviv victoriously.

We have repeatedly confirmed our readiness for peace negotiations, but only after the completion of all the tasks of the Special Military Operation. Röpke is trying to “invent” about Russia. He shouldn’t try to do that. No matter how involved the West is in the conflict with Russia, our valiant army will fulfill all combat tasks,– the expert thinks.

Translation: ES

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